The New 52: Futures End Vol.3

Brian Azzarello
Five years from now, the world of tomorrow is about to be born. Brainiac has arrived from the stars, and intends to take New York City with him as a souvenir. It’s enough to bring Superman out of self-imposed exile...but not even the Man of Steel or his former teammates on the Justice League may be enough to stop the alien conqueror. Only Batman and Mr. Terrific’s creation, the artificially intelligent satellite Brother Eye, can defeat Brainiac. But this is the moment that Batman Beyond has traveled back in time to stop—the moment where his terrible future is born. Can Batman Beyond, Stormwatch, the Justice League Dark, Firestorm and others stop both Brainiac and Brother Eye? Or will the future die along with them?
408 sayfa

Yazar Hakkında

Brian Azzarello
Brian AzzarelloYazar · 33 kitap
11 Ağustos 1962 yılında Cleveland, Ohio'da dünyaya gelmiştir. Amerikalı çizgi roman yazarı ve senarist olan yazar 2011 yılında DC'nin yeniden başlatılan Wonder Woman serisinin yazarı olmuştur.
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