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The Strength In Our Scars

Bianca Sparacino

The Strength In Our Scars Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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. Seni sevmemiş olabilirler ama seni değiştirdiler. Sana öğrettiler. Seni büyüttüler. .
Eski sen, her zaman yaralar.
. Ruhunu karanlıktan çıkardın, burada olmak için savaştın; seni gömene geri dönme. ...
"Yaralarımızdaki Güç"
Anlam Bilgisi :
. Ruhunu karanlıktan çıkardın, burada olmak için savaştın; seni gömene geri dönme. .
"Yaralarımızdaki Güç"
How they make you feel says a lot about them and nothing about you. Trust me when I say, someone who makes you question if you are worthy of being loved is not worthy of being loved by you.
We think we are these overly intelligent, complex creatures, but at the end of the day we all just want connection. We all just want to know that we aren’t going to be alone.
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...they were taught that "I love you" doesn't always mean, "I'll stay".
A soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself.
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because there is nothing stronger than someone who continues to stay soft in a world that hasn’t always been kind to them.
Sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how to love; and sometimes, people come into our lives to teach us how not to love.
Sayfa 15
It is all i have lost that has set me free.
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The truth is - sometimes love changes. The truth is, sometimes life gets hard and “I’ll stay” turns into “I have to take care of myself right now.” Sometimes, those who loved us beautifully cannot continue to do so. And that is okay.
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But most of all, I am slowly learning how to just be in this moment. How to exist. How to understand that I cannot control life, that I can only experience it in both its light and its dark stages.
Sayfa 93
Do not be ashamed of what your survival looks like. Do what you have to do. You are clawing yourself out of the ache, cutting the pain from the bone. It is never going to be pretty, but I promise—it will always be worth it.
What a shame it truly is - that some of us have lived our entire lives under the impression that the love we have been searching for was to be found, first and foremost, in anyone but ourselves.
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If they walk away, do not focus on the pieces of you that are missing, do not focus on the empty; the only way to survive the leaving is to love whatever is left of yourself, is to love whatever remains.
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