Reissued with a new preface from Michael Cox

The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939

Edward Hallett Carr

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Eğer insanlık uluslararası ilişkilerinde rasyonel iyiye ulaşmak konusunda çarpıcı bir şekilde başarısız olmuşsa, ya bu iyiyi anlayamayacak kadar aptal ya da peşinde koşamayacak kadar kötü olmalıdır.
Countries which are struggling to force their way into the dominant group naturally tend to invoke nationalism against the internationalism of the Controlling Powers. (...) “International order” and “international solidarity” will always be slogans of those who feel strong enough to impose them on others.
Sayfa 87 - 88Kitabı okuyacak
Theories of social morality are always the product of a dominant group which identifies itself with the community as a whole, and which possesses facilities denied to subordinate groups or individuals for imposing its view of life on the community. Theories of international morality are, for the same reason and in virtue of the same process, the product of dominant nations or groups of nations.
“Circumstances are the creators of most men’s opinions.”
“Ethical notions”, as Mr. Bertrand Russell has remarked, “are very seldom a cause, but almost always an effect, a means of claiming universal legislative authority for our own preferences, not, as we fondly imagine, the actual ground of those preferences.”
“Philosophy transfigures the real which appears unjust into the rational.”
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