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The Zoo Story

Edward Albee

The Zoo Story Sözleri ve Alıntıları

The Zoo Story sözleri ve alıntılarını, The Zoo Story kitap alıntılarını, The Zoo Story en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
“I'll tell you something now; you're not really a vegetable; it's all right, you're an animal. You're an animal, too. “
(Jerry) The dog is black, all black; all black except for the bloodshot eyes, and ... yes ... and an open sore on its ... right forepaw; that is red, too.
The Zoo Story
~ "If we can so misunderstand, well then, why have we invented the word love in the first place?"
Eğer birbirimizi bu kadar yanlış anlayabiliyorsak neden sevgi diye bir sözcük icat ettik
Sayfa 16 - Jerry
It's one of those things a person has to do; sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance correctly.
...bazen insan kısa yoldan geri dönebilmek için çok uzun bir yol katetmelidir.
"If we can so misunderstand, well then, why have we invented the word love in the first place?"
Hayvanat bahçesine, insanların hayvanlarla nasıl geçindiğini, hayvanların hayvanlarla ve insanlarla nasıl geçindiğini öğrenmek içim gittim. Aslında bu sağlıklı bir gözlem olamazdı. Herkes birbirinden parmaklıklarla ayrılmış. Hayvanlar birbirinden ayrı, hayvanlarla insanlar ayrı...
Eğer birbirimizi bu kadar yanlış anlayabiliyorsak, neden SEVGİ diye bir sözcük icat ettik?
Benim gözümde hayvanların hepsi aynı... İnsanlar gibi.
Bir başlangıç yapmak için, neresi daha uygun... Anlamak ve belki de anlaşılmak için...
Don't you see? A person has to have some way of dealing with SOMETHING. If not with people... SOMETHING. With a bed, with a cockroach, with a mirror... no, that's too hard, that's one of the last steps. With a cockroach, with a... with a... with a carpet, a roll of toilet paper... no, not that, either... that's a mirror, too; always check bleeding. You see how hard it is to find things? With a street corner, and too many lights, all colours reflecting on the oily-wet streets... with a wisp of smoke, a wisp... of smoke... with... with porno. graphic playing cards, with a strong-box... WITHOUT A LOCK... with love, with vomiting, with crying, with fury because the pretty little ladies aren't pretty little ladies, with making money with your body which is an act of love and I could prove it, with howling because you're alive; with God. How about that? WITH GOD WHO IS A COLOURED QUEEN WHO WEARS A KIMONO AND PLUCKS HIS EYEBROWS! WHO IS A WOMAN WHO CRIES WITH DETERMINATION BEHIND HER CLOSED DOOR... with God who, I'm told, turned his back on the whole thing some time ago ... with ... some day, with people.
JERRY: You're married! PETER: [with pleased emphasis] Why, certainly. JERRY: It isn't a law, for God's sake.
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