To Whom it May Concern

Raymond Federman

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
. Görüyorsunuz, yazdıklarım sadece anıların ve yalanların bir karışımı, yani yalanlar, çarpıtmalar değilse de, elbette her yalanın biraz gerçeği vardır, dinlemeyi öğrenmek gerekir. Hayat, eski yıpranmış bir palto gibi, her zaman biraz yırtık bir kurgu astarına sahiptir. ...
And one day, totally lost, the two cousins can wonder if they are part of the world, or if the world is simply they thinking that there is such a place. How much easier, and how much more profound it becomes when one skips the specificity of time and place.
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History is a joke whose punch line is always messed up in advance.
Sayfa 108Kitabı okudu
I want to show how human beings confront their failures even though in the eyes of others they appear to have a success.
What the cousins are seeking is not the meaning of what happened, but the meaning of an absence. The absence of pain.Their bodies bear no inscriptions of suffering since they escaped physical pain, hunger, and torture. In a way they suffered from not suffering enough.
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