Türkler, Müslümanlar ve Ötekiler



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“We feel like asking: How did such beautiful and useful arts arise, first in Italy and then in other Christian countries, amidst all these convulsions, civil strife, conspiracies, crimes and madness? We never encounter this in places under Turkish rule. This elegance, which is in the intelligence and nature of our European people, must be a feature not encountered in the Turks. Three things affect human intelligence: CLIMATE, GOVERNMENT and RELIGION. There is no other explanation for this riddle of the world.”
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“Years later, although they came under the domination of the Turks coming from Asia, the Arabs made even their masters accept their religion and the Turks became a Muslim nation.”
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According to what we read in Dukas' book; The Sultan ordered that everywhere be set on fire, and this order was fulfilled amid infidel cries coming from superstitious beliefs! As you read these words, do you feel anger or pity? Those infidel cries of "Allah, Allah!" shouted by Muslims in every war. It is a shout. The real superstitions must belong to the Greeks; Trusting a prophet, they went and took shelter in Hagia Sophia Church. Supposedly, an angel would descend there and protect them! A few Greeks were killed in the churchyards, the rest were taken prisoner. After having that church washed with rose water, Fatih performed his prayer there, thanked God and went to Constantine's palace.
Fatih yirmi iki yaşında Osmanlı tahtına çıktı. Bizans tah­tına da çıkmaya hazırlanırken, bu devletin kodamanları, ha­mursuz ekmek yensin mi yenmesin mi, dualar Yunanca mı yoksa Latince mi okunsun konularını sonuçlandırmaya uğraşıyorlardı.
Bizans İmpara­toru, papanın ve katolik prenslerin gözüne girmekle yardım sağlayacağını umarak, Kardinal İzidor'un yanı başında La­tin mezhebine göre ayinler yaptırıyordu. Bu saçma manev­raya Bizanslılar öyle kızıyorlardı ki, artık onun gittiği kili­seye ayak basmıyorlardı: "Burada bir kardinal şapkası görmektense, bir sarık gör­meği tercih ederiz." diyorlardı.
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