Vatansız Asker - Napoleon

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The world is suffering so much. But not from the violence of bad people, but from the silence of good people.
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"If you are going to make history, you must know history."
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“What I see in religion is not the mystery of resurrection, but social order. By associating an idea of ​​equality with heaven, the poor are prevented from slaughtering the rich. Religion has a value similar to indoctrination. It satisfies our hunger for the miraculous and protects us from charlatanism; for priests are worth more than the Cagliosts, the Kants, and all the German dreamers. Society cannot exist without inequality of property. "When a person who is about to die of hunger sees the man next to him feasting, he can only endure this situation with belief in the existence of a higher power and the conviction that goods would be distributed differently in another world."
Sayfa 281Kitabı okudu
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Shortly before, when the government commissar, his Corsican compatriot, Saliceti, arrived at his camp, Bonaparte, ignoring the authority of the official, signed the armistice with Sardinia himself. These were the first negotiations in which he demonstrated his success as a diplomat. When the other side wanted to negotiate, he took out his watch, indicated the time he decided to attack, and said that they would better decide as soon as possible. "I can lose battles" "But no one will ever see me waste minutes through overconfidence or laziness," he said.
Sayfa 44
Bir kuleden düşman kıyılarına doğru bakarken düşündü: Burası bir başlangıç noktası olarak her zaman arzu ettiği yerdi. "Arkamda Paris ve onun her yanı aynalı yatak odası var. Mutluluk bu, şimdi elimde" diye aklından geçirdi. Geriye döndüğü anda, uzak bir mavilikte tanıdık bir dağ hattının siluetini gördü. Bunlar artık dikkatini çekmiyordu. Söz konusu yer yitirdiği anavatanıydı.
Sayfa 39
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