Vişne Bahçesi

Anton Çehov

Oldest Vişne Bahçesi Quotes

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LUBOV: Oh my son's ... I have always scattered money about without holding myself in, like a madwoman, and I married a man who made nothing but debts. My husband died of champagne -he drank terribly- and to my misfortune, i fell in love with another man and went off with him, and just at that time -it was my first punishment, a blow that hit me right on the head- here, in the river.. my boy was drowned, I went away, quiet away, never to return, never to see this river again.. .... A sick man wore me out, and my soul dried up. He robbed me of all I had and threw me over and went off with another woman. I tried to poison myself..
Sayfa 25 - Act TwoKitabı okudu
Yaşamak ciddi bir şeydir, fakat altmışına gelip de tedavi olmaya kalkışmak, gençlikte hayatın tadını çıkaramadım diye yakınmak, bağışlayın ama, hafifliktir.
Ah, çocukluğum benim, o lekesiz yıllar! Bu odada uyur, buradan bahçeye bakardım, her sabah mutluluk da uyanırdı benimle.
Aldırdığım mı var dostta düşmana, Umurumda mı dünyanın hayı huyu...
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