Without Merit

Colleen Hoover

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Her hata bir sonucu hak etmez. Bazen hak ettiği tek şey Affedilmedir...
“The same two things could happen to two people, but that doesn’t mean the would experience the exact same stress over it. We all have different levels of stress that we’re accustomed to.”
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“You are easy to like every day,”
Sayfa 339Kitabı okudu
“You’re really talented.” Sagan squeezes my shoulder and presses his lips into my hair. It’s the sweetest thank you anyone has ever said to me. And he didn’t even use words.
Sayfa 244Kitabı okudu
“Humans are romantic creatures. It’s reassuring to believe this all-knowing being who has the power to create anything and everything still loves the human race more than any of it.”
Sayfa 225Kitabı okudu
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