Wuthering Heights

Emily Brontë

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8.1Out of 10
12.2k People · 2145 Review
408 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Okurken Yaşlandım
Karakter Rehberi • Mr. Lockwood: Kiracı ve anlatıcı • Mrs. Dean (Nelly): Kahya kadın ve diğer anlatıcı • Romanın merkezinde iki aile var; 1. Lintonlar (Thruscross Çiftliğinde yaşıyorlar) 2. Earnshawlar (Wuthering Heights-Uğultulu Tepelerde yaşıyorlar) • Hindley Earnshaw: İki çocuktan erkek olanı • Catherine Earshaw: İki çocuktan kız olanı • Mr.
Uğultulu Tepeler
Uğultulu TepelerEmily Brontë · Can Yayınları · 202142.7k okunma
500 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
UĞULTULU TEPELER İNCELEMESİ - Dikkat spoiler içerebilir!
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Wuthering Heights. A love novel that shows that the feeling of revenge is stronger than anything else. While reading, I found myself at odds with almost all the heroes. I feel like asking Emily Brontë, is love really such a sharp thing? Rich Girl and Poor Boy can be the subject of stories of every era, but I don't know if there can be another story with such hatred and obsession. From now on, this book is my red line and will be announced to friends and enemies :) I wish you a pleasant reading and thank the 1K team for offering us such a beautiful medium.
Uğultulu Tepeler
Uğultulu TepelerEmily Brontë · Martı Yayınları · 201242.7k okunma
480 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 19 days
Uğultulu Tepeler; intikamın sayfalara dökülmüş hali.
Hayatımda okuduğum en itici karakterlere sahip olabilme yeteneğinde mükemmel eser. Böyle güzel bir kurguyu her zaman okumak mümkün olmayabilir. Bu yüzden bu incelemeyi okumaya başlayıp sonunu getirmeyecek arkadaşlarım için sona yazacağım şeyi bu sefer başa yazıyorum; okuyun arkadaşım. Bu kitabı okuyun! Kitap, karakterlerden birinin bir diğerine
Uğultulu Tepeler
Uğultulu TepelerEmily Brontë · Koridor Yayıncılık · 201642.7k okunma
500 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Heathcliff‘ e yöneltilmiş can alıcı soru. Bunun cevabı çok basitti. Zaten her şeyi sevdiğinden yapmadı mı ? Hem de kendi benliğini kaybedecek kadar. Nasıl başladı ve nasıl bitti asla anlayamayacağınız inanılmaz bir baş yapıt ile karşı karşıya kalabilirsiniz ve hatta kötülüğün kokusunu bile alabilirsiniz. “Onu seviyorum çünkü o benim, benden öte
Uğultulu Tepeler
Uğultulu TepelerEmily Brontë · Martı Yayınları · 201242.7k okunma
408 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
İnanılmaz bi kaç şey
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While reading the Brontë sisters, I always read with this thought in my mind; It was the most painful process for female writers to give birth to themselves, and the writings and books of the 3 sisters are also a feminist rebellion for the period. Leaving all the period conditions and the position of the sisters in the background, I would like to make a very harsh criticism; I encounter so many women's humiliation and humiliation in books. On the other hand, I'm trying to look at it from the author's perspective, wondering if they used this language to be ironic. I tried to write without giving too many spoilers, I haven't finished the book yet, but I wanted to write my prejudices in the form of a note to myself. I am looking forward to seeing how these thoughts I formed while reading the book will complete their own evolution when the book is finished. Our character Nelly, the storyteller, already gives plenty of spoilers as she begins to tell the story. That's why I can write without worrying about spoilers. Episode 16 Nelly is truly a bigot, you're a bigot, girl. Episode 23 In fact, it is impossible to read the sentences spoken selfishly by the characters in some dialogues without swearing. Come on Cathy, save yourself from these cuckolds, I'm beautiful. When you finish the book, you feel like you are leaving your friends. It was a really delicious book. I also wanted to watch the movie. I watched it for about half an hour. It was a good movie for those who read the book, with really careful attention to descriptions. But if you watch it without reading the book, it is nothing but torture. I wanted to share this as information.
Uğultulu Tepeler
Uğultulu TepelerEmily Brontë · Can Yayınları · 202142.7k okunma
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