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Yalancılık Sanatı

Oscar Wilde

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6.7Out of 10
17 People · 3 Review
180 syf.
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Gerçekten okuması zor bir kitaptı. Dorian Grayı'ı okuyan bilir sürekli Lord Henry'iye maruz kalmak çok sinir bozucu oluyor. Yanlış olarak nitelendirdiğin şeylerin baş tacı yapılması katlanılmaz. Bi de bunu en bilgili insan, bilgisine erişilemeyecek birisi yapınca can sıkıcılık katlanıyor(Bence Oscar Wilde egoist ve karakterleri de hep öyle
Yalanın Yozlaşması
Yalanın YozlaşmasıOscar Wilde · Zeplin Kitap · 201567 okunma
180 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
"After all, what is a good lie? Quite simply, it proves itself." In this work, Wilde touched on many subjects and used deep meanings, based on art. In order not to get bored while reading this book, which generally proceeds in a conversational tone, you need to be familiar with works of art, movements, general authors and partly politics. Wilde, who puts Life and Literature on the basis of art, creates conflict in dialogue while presenting radical theses. My personal opinion is to skim it and give it a chance, but I cannot say that it is a book that lends itself well to the general idea.
Yalanın Yozlaşması
Yalanın YozlaşmasıOscar Wilde · Zeplin Kitap · 201567 okunma
120 syf.
Not rated
poet is a liar
Oscar Wilde lived in Victorian Era but resisted their beliefs. In literary criticism, we see that before Oscar Wilde, poets were trying to defend poetry against some accusations and chargings. But here he advocates poet and poetry and says, yes poet is a liar and that is what it should be, otherwise there would be no difference between philosophy and poetry or history and poetry. According to him, if you want to read something true or real you need to read something another rather than poetry. Also he advocates that life imitates art, not art imitates life. It means that artists and people are effecting from art and start to live their life with that.
The Decay of Lying
The Decay of LyingOscar Wilde · Alma Publisher · 201667 okunma