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Yedi Ölümcül Günah 11. Cilt

Nakaba Suzuki

Yedi Ölümcül Günah 11. Cilt Yorumları ve İncelemeleri

Yedi Ölümcül Günah 11. Cilt yorumları ve incelemelerini, Yedi Ölümcül Günah 11. Cilt kitabı hakkındaki okur görüşlerini , Yedi Ölümcül Günah 11. Cilt puanlarını 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.


7.610 üzerinden
7 Kişi · 1 İnceleme
192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%75/100) I can see that it is getting better and hopefully, it will continue to improve like this. The mysterious sorcerer who helps Arthur is revealed to be Merlin (not a big surprise), another member of the Sins. As always I liked the fights, especially against Hendrickson. The whole damsel-in-distress plot was getting boring so it is good to see new things. I liked it in general and curious to read the next one because the ending was also really good.
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 11
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 11Nakaba Suzuki · 201533 okunma