İslami Türk Tarihine Giriş

Yeni İslam Tarihi ve Türkler: 1

Zekeriya Kitapçı

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7.2Out of 10
4 People · 2 Review
384 syf.
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Zekeriya Kitapçı / New Islamic History and Turks. Zekeriya Kitapçı (1937- 2021) was born in Isparta-Yalvaç. He completed his primary, secondary and higher education in Turkey. He completed his doctorate in Pakistan. He studied Arabic for two semesters at the Islamic University of Medina. When he returned to Turkey, he worked as a member of D.P.T.
Yeni İslam Tarihi ve Türkler: 1
Yeni İslam Tarihi ve Türkler: 1Zekeriya Kitapçı · Yedi Kubbe Yayınları · 201513 okunma
308 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
İslam, katliam, gözyaşı ve anaların feryatlarıdır.
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Zekeriya Kitap, the author of the book, thinks of Turkish history as Islamic history with his Islamist identity. And for him, the blood shed and the lives lost are of no importance. As long as it is Islam. Is it possible to achieve peace and brotherhood with people who think like this? It is in such obsessive thoughts that we must look for the endless massacres, tears and cries of mothers in Islamic countries. Zekeriya Kitapçı, who ignores human life in the name of Islam, says: ''Only in this case, this honorable service of the Turkish nation, which has dedicated its bright sword to the sanctity of Islam and the greatness of the Quran for centuries and whose blood has been shed for this cause and whose bones have been piled up as high as mountains, will be theirs. Its place in Islamic history could have been revealed.
Yeni İslam Tarihi ve Türkler: 1
Yeni İslam Tarihi ve Türkler: 1Zekeriya Kitapçı · Yedi Kubbe Yayınları · 201513 okunma