Zincirlenmiş Zamanlar Zincirlenmiş Sözcükler

Mehmed Uzun


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You cannot force people to become something other than what they are. People may be defeated, they may make mistakes, they may not speak out because of their defeat, they may be helpless, but there is a brightness in people's souls that can never be destroyed: The passion for freedom and equality.
Sayfa 65 - İthaki Yayınları-9. BasımKitabı okudu
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Not hearing the voices of the past, He cannot hear the voice of the future.
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Freedom is only as close to you as you have a dream and can keep it alive. If the dream dies, sail all you want to the shores of freedom, you will never get there. Because the dream is dead and the places you sail are just a mirage.
Sayfa 144 - İthaki YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"İnsanoğlunun yüreği ve ruhu, merhameti ve vicdanı alçakların alay konusu olmuş, onların gaddar saldırısına uğramış, tarihe ve zamana yeni bir biçim vermek isteyen gafil diktatörler tarafından alabildiğince kirletilmişti."
Sayfa 8 - Önsöz YerineKitabı okudu
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Words and literature, Not to divide or tear apart Unite, people, language, culture, tradition And it is to bring religions closer...
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.