
Albert Einstein

2 üye
The New York Times report appeared three days later, with the headline: "EINSTEIN THEORY TRIUMPHS." The New York Times article praised Einstein, but it also questioned whether the effect might not have been an optical illusion, or whether Einstein might have stolen his idea from H. G. Wells's novel The Time Machine. They got Einstein's age wrong, calling him "about fifty" when he was forty.
The New York Times, which until then had never once mentioned Einstein's name, sensed that this was news fit to print. It may have misjudged the importance of the news, however-it sent its golf specialist, Henry Crouch, to cover the announcement. Crouch didn't even attend the meeting.
Nobel Prize winner (1905) Philipp Lenard and Nobel laureate (1919) Johannes Stark supported those who considered relativity a plot for the Jews to take over the world. In 1933, Lenard wrote: "The most important example of the dangerous influence of Jewish circles on the study of nature has been provided by Einstein with his mathematically botched-up theories...." In 1931, a booklet entitled A Hundred Authors Against Einstein was published in Germany. Reflecting the mathematical sophistication of the group, it actually listed 120 opponents. Few were well-known physicists.
In the summer of 1906, he sent one of his students, Max von Laue, to visit Einstein at the Patent Office. Finally, Einstein would have his chance to interact with the world of real physicists. When Einstein entered the room where von Laue was waiting, he was too shy to introduce himself. Von Laue gave him a glance, but ignored him because von Laue did not imagine so unimpressive a man could be the author of relativity. Einstein left. A little later, he returned, but still couldn't muster the courage to approach von Laue. Finally, von Laue introduced himself.
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