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In his press statement after his meeting with Pope John Paul II, Gülen emphasized that it occurred to him that he might die in Rome due to his illness and said: Both the Pope and I are getting older. For this reason, it occurred to me that I would die in this sacred land." he said. Why is Rome a "holy land" for a true Muslim? had happened?
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Jewish lobbies control all members of the Senate. If you open your mouth to criticize them, you will be a target. They will find a way and put you in jail. As America, we are carrying out Israel's expansion policy. Everyone knows this but is afraid to say it. Because both organs of the congress are under control, the media is under control. If the American people knew all this, they would surely revolt. Jim Trafficant
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1991'de petrol zengini Kuveyt için hemen "acil insanî mudahale" kararı alabilen Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu 3 yıl sonra kimsenin pek de umrunda olmayan Ruanda'da milyonlarca insan öldürülürken sadece seyrediyordu. Öte yandan yine yüz binlerce Müslümanın öldüğü Myanmar,Gazze ve Suriye'de insanlık suçu islenirken Birleşmiş Milletler yine sadece seyretmekle yetiniyordu.
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