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3 Body Problem (2024)
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Sayfa 336 - Blake CrouchKitabı okudu
Adaption and overcome
Later this life invaded the land. Some of our own early stock took part in that invasion. The moving equilibrium of the cells' life in our carly stock was almost literally an energy-eddy in the sea. The water of the sea conditioned it. Its energy-exchanges were based upon the sea. How if cut off from the sea could such a life exist? The Canadian biologist, Archibald Macallum, gave a reading of this riddle. The salts dissolved in our blood today are those of that long past geological epoch. Already in that sea the vertebrate creature, with many of its cells buried in the body's bulk, away from actual touch with the seawater, had evolved a system of branching tubes and a muscular pump, the heart, bringing to each buried cell a blood of salinity similar to that of the archaic sea, a substitute for that sea- water in which its cells had first arisen, to which their ways of life were adapted. When it left the sea altogether for its Odyssey on land, it had but to carry that habit of manufacture with it. It has done so. With that it has crossed mountain ranges and desert sands carrying its own medium with it. It has invaded air as well as land. It runs, and flies, and walks erect. The water of ocean itself has changed from what in that old sea it was. It has changed with the washings of rivers into it for millions of years since then. But the blood, a dynamic equilibrium, has in respect to those salts remained steady. The poet sang, with more literal truth than perhaps he knew, in- voking the sea, "the salt is lodged for ever in, my blood"s That some of them did give up that old ocean allowed the possibility of our becoming what we are
. On the other hand for its limb to develop into something utterly different, would be no unlikelihood. What had been for years during a watery existence our apparatus for breathing has now nothing to do with breathing but serves hearing in the air, Evolution can scrap but not revive