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Şu Çılgın Türkler
Bize çocukluğumuzdan bu yana kazandığımız zaferleri hep yoklukla kazandık olarak öğretildi fakat kafamızdaki yokluk algısı da yan yana duran iki çarıklı askerden ibaretti. Bu kitaptan anlıyoruz ki bize o yokluğu tam öğretememişler. Bu kitabı okuduğunuzda yokluğu , yoksulluğu iliklerinize kadar hissediyorsunuz. Strateji oyunlarında bile legendary mod'da yapamayacağımız şeyleri Mustafa Kemal'in başarması nasıl bir deha olduğunu gösteriyor. Kitabı okurken, şartlar o kadar aleyhimize ki hala daha savaşı kazanacağımızdan şüphe duyuyorsunuz. İster istemez içinizden; ulan acaba mı ? diyorsunuz. Kitabın gösterdiği bir diğer nokta ise şu an bile insanlarımızın içinde bulunduğu boş Enver Paşa hayranlığı... Millet Kurtuluş Savaşı verirken Enver Paşa'nın hala kendi çıkarlarını gözetmesi ne kadar doğrudur, bunun cevabını size bırakıyorum. Kitapta komutanın da, askerin de, işgalcinin de gözünden olan biteni okumanız kitabı başarılı kılan detaylardan bir tanesi. Bir kere daha buradan Atatürk ve tüm silah arkadaşlarını yad ediyorum.
Şu Çılgın Türkler
Şu Çılgın TürklerTurgut Özakman · Bilgi Yayınları · 202321.8k okunma
From this time, too, power seems to have shifted to the Thames valley and southeast Britain. Except for short periods, political and economic power has remained in the southeast ever since. Hill-forts replaced henges as the centres of local power, and most of these were found in the southeast, suggesting that the land successfully supported more people here than elsewhere. There was another reason for the shift of power eastwards. A number of better-designed bronze swords have been found in the Thames valley, suggesting th at the local people had more advanced metalworking skills. Many of these swords have been found in river beds, almost certainly thrown in for religious reasons. This custom may be the origin of the story of the legendary King Arrhur's sword, which was given to him from out of the water and which was thrown back into the water when he died.
One conqueror in particular, a former student of law named Hernando Cortez, was possessed by the wildest ambition. He wanted to march deep into the heart of the country and seize all its legendary treasures. In 1519 he left the coast at the head of 150 Spanish soldiers, thirteen horsemen and a few cannons. The Indians had never seen a white man before. Nor had they seen a horse. Horrified by the cannons, they were convinced that the Spanish bandits were powerful magicians, or even gods. Still, they made many brave attempts to defend themselves,attacking the soldiers by day as they marched and in their camp at night.But from the outset Cortez took terrible revenge, setting fire to villages and killing Indians in their thousands.
Tella knew Scarlett thought she was lazy. But Tella had a theory: Neat rooms were easy to rifle through and search undetected because it was simple to put carefully placed things exactly where they’d been. But messes, on the other hand, were difficult to re-create. With one sweeping gaze, Tella could see no one had been brave enough to lay a finger on her personal disaster.
This was why love was so dangerous. Love turned the world into a garden, so beguiling it was easy to forget that rose petals were as ephemeral as feelings, eventually they would wilt and die, leaving nothing but the thorns.
Death would have to try harder if he wanted to take her back, and she was not about to let him do that. If she perished there’d also be no one to take care of Scarlett, to make sure her sister had all the proper adventures and kissed more boys than just Julian. Scarlett deserved all the kisses. Maybe Tella wanted more kisses too, ones that wouldn’t end in death.
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