Today we are exposed to twenty-four-hour breaking news and an exponential rise in the amount of produced and consumed information. As the number of different issues that form our collective public discourse continues to increase, the amount of time and attention we are able to devote to each one inevitably gets compressed. It isn’t that our total engagement with all this information is any less, but rather that as the information competing for our attention becomes denser our attention gets spread more thinly, with the result that public debate becomes increasingly fragmented and superficial. The more quickly we switch between topics, the more quickly we lose interest in the previous one. We then find ourselves increasingly engaging only with those subjects that interest us, leading us to become less broadly informed—and potentially less confident in evaluating information outside of the spheres with which we are most familiar.
Poets say science takes away from the beauty of stars—mere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is ‘mere’. I too see the stars on a desert night and feel them. But do I see less or more? … What is the pattern, or the meaning, or the why? It does not do harm to the mystery to know a little more about it. For far more marvellous is the truth than any artists of the past imagined it. Why do the poets of the present not speak of it?
Sensorium / Epica
"Sensorium" Chance doesn't exist But the path of life is not totally so predestined And time and chronology show us how all should be In the ways of existence To find out why we are here
Bir insan gerçekte ne kadar güçlüyse bunun reklamını yapma ihtiyacını da o kadar az duyar. Ve bir lider ne kadar güçlüyse gücünü gösterme ihtiyacını o kadar az hisseder. The more powerful a person actually is the less he feels the need to advertise it. And the stronger a leader is the less he feels the need to show off his power.
Sayfa 100 - Pegasus Yayınları 1.BaskıKitabı okudu
"A youth loves immaturely, and immaturely too he hates mankind and earth. Still tethered and heavy to him are his mind and the wings of his spirit. But in a man there is more child than in a youth, and less melancholy; he knows more about death and life. Free for death and free in death, a sacred nay-sayer when it is no longer time for yes: thus he knows about death and life."
On Free DeathKitabı okuyor
When it comes to dealing with a legacy project, you always need to view it from the business perspective and that is if the project makes money, it's a great project regardless of how it is written. The business doesn't care about the code. All it cares about is the functionality. It's often hard to accept this reality because we
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