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Sayfa 120 - İndigo KitapKitabı okudu
Any individual selling a used car knows more about its quality than someone looking to buy it. This creates an adverse selection problem. Car owners who are happy with their vehicles are less likely to sell them. Thus, used-car buyers anticipate hidden problems and demand a discount. But once there is a discount built into the market, owners of high-quality cars become even less likely to sell them.
Cure Lichen Planus Naturally with These Natural Remedies
Aloe vera is a trendy Herbal Supplement for Lichen Planus. It can be taken orally or applied topically on the affected area. Aloe vera has been reported effective in healing this condition when ingested orally. Most effective Natural Remedies for Lichen Planus. Water should be consumed at least eight glasses daily, though some people might need more or less depending on their weight and activity levels. postingguru.com/cure-lichen-pla...
You don’t have to be rich, you don’t have to be famous, and you don’t have to have a fancy résumé or a degree from an expensive school. Online, everyone—the artist and the curator, the master and the apprentice, the expert and the amateur—has the ability to contribute something. “The fellow-pupil can help more than the master because he
Do not confuse flowery language with seduction: in using flowery language you run the risk of wearing on people's nerves, of seeming pretentious. Excess verbiage is a sign of selfishness, of your inability to rein in your natural tendencies. Often with language, less is more; the elusive, vague, ambiguous phrase leaves the listener more room for imagination than does a sentence full of bombast and self-indulgence. You must always think first of your targets, and of what will be pleasant to their ears. There will be many times when silence is best. What you do not say can be suggestive and eloquent, making you seem mysterious. (…) If you are not eloquent, if you cannot master seductive language, at least learn to curb your tongue—use silence to cultivate an enigmatic presence. Finally, seduction has a pace and rhythm. In phase one, you are cautious and indirect. It is often best to disguise your intentions, to put your target at ease with deliberately neutral words. Your conversation should be harmless, even a bit bland. In this second phase, you turn more to the attack; this is the time for seductive language. Now when you envelop them in your seductive words and letters, it comes as a pleasant surprise. It gives them the immensely pleasing feeling that they are the ones to suddenly inspire you with such poetry and intoxicating words.
Sayfa 263 - 10-Use the Demonic Power of Words to Sow ConfusionKitabı okudu
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