Maybe in another life ... (Belki başka bir hayatta...)🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
"Throughout my life I've been like A mysterious box that wanted to be discovered, Which lay within a lie Forgetting about being covered With the shield of disguise."
yaş dimağlar vursunlar uslarına köse vururcasına vur ha vur! ekmeğe hamur yoğururcasına nesne hasıl olsun ne ise ne! arzın açlığı doysun
The Tree of Life (2011), Terrence Malick.
“Ona ne kadar üzgün olduğumu söyleme şansım olmadı hiç.”
Yesterday, a friend visited my home, and upon seeing my collection of books in my room, he asked, "Have you read all of these books?" I replied, "No, I haven't read them all." Perplexed, he inquired, "Why do you have so many books if you haven't read them all?" In response, I drew a comparison. I asked him, "Do you have a first aid box in your house?" He answered affirmatively. I continued, "Do you take all the medicines in the box at once?" He chuckled and said, "Of course not! Different medicines are meant for different wounds or ailments." I used this analogy to explain that books, much like medicines, serve distinct purposes. Just as you wouldn't take all medications simultaneously, you don't read all books at once. Each book is like a unique prescription, tailored to address specific emotions or situations. I emphasized that a book isn't a racing car mindlessly circling a closed track; it's more like an ambulance rushing to aid someone in need. Every book holds the potential to provide solace, knowledge, or guidance in a particular circumstance. Just as we turn to different medicines when we're unwell, we turn to different books to heal our minds and spirits. Books are more than mere words on pages; they are doors to new worlds, perspectives, and emotions. Collecting them is like amassing a library of remedies for the soul, ready to be applied when the need arises. So, my friend, remember that the beauty of books lies in their diversity and their ability to offer solace, enlightenment, and understanding in the many different moments and challenges life presents. They are, in their own way, the ambulances of the soul, rushing to our aid when we require them the most.
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