You do not write your life with words, the monster said. You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.
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Imagine this: Death himself gets a front-row seat to the life of Liesel Meminger, a tough-as-nails little girl shoved into foster care during WWII. He tells her story, not in a spooky way, but with a weary curiosity. Liesel, surrounded by the chaos of Nazi Germany, finds an escape in stolen books. Words become her armor, stories her solace. Zusak's "The Book Thief" isn't just about war. It's about the fierce bond between Liesel and her gruff-but-gentle foster father, Hans, who teaches her to read. It's about the unwavering friendship with Rudy, a boy who dreams of becoming a champion runner. Laughter flickers even in the darkest corners as they share stolen moments of joy. This book is a gut punch. You'll cry, you'll cheer, you'll want to hug Liesel tight. But most importantly, you'll be reminded of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of words to steal you away, even in the face of unimaginable hardship. It's a story that lingers long after the last page is turned, a must-read for anyone who's ever found comfort in a good book.
The Book Thief
The Book ThiefMarkus Zusak · Black Swan · 201412.7k okunma
“The phoenix is you. You’re a beautiful mythical being who can be born from the ashes of your illness.” “And the tree of life?” “That’s me. I believed I could contain your rebirth, every time.”
Wait. I take a step forward. Wait. I scream in my head. “Wait,” I whisper, but he doesn’t hear me and keeps drifting away. Out of reach. Out of my life.
1-Eternity and a day 2- Ağlayan çayır 3- Ulisin bakışı 4- veronique'in ikili yaşamı 5- 3 renk, mavi 6- 3 renk, beyaz 7- 3 renk, kırmızı 8- dekalog( 10 bölümlük dizi)
And now that I’ve lost the one person who added equilibrium to my life, my world is tilting off its axis and creaking under the weight of depressing loneliness. I can’t trust myself to live without my wife anymore.
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