Ne Okusam?
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Silly me. I thought love was real & the body imaginary. I thought a little chord was all it took. But here we are- standing in the cold field again.
2021'in son gününde ilk iletimle birlikte bu sene okuduklarım ve izlediklerim arasından favorilerimi paylaşmak isterim. 🔹Kitaplar:
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Kitapları Kurtaran Kedi
Kitapları Kurtaran Kedi
Feminist Manifesto
Feminist Manifesto
Genç Elitler
Genç Elitler
🔹Filmler: Klaus Capernaum Gravity Little Women Ford v Ferrari Togo The Breadwinner Storm Boy The Invisible Guest 🔹Diziler / Animeler Locke & Key Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Ao Haru Ride Toradora!
96 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Son turna kuşu
Sadako Sasaki...son turna kuşu 6 Ağustos 1945 sabahı Enola Gay isimli bombardıman uçağı Little Boy (Küçük Çocuk) lakaplı tarihin ilk atom bombasını Hiroşima üzerine bıraktı. Yaklaşık 45 saniye sonra infilak eden ve alev topu haline gelen bombanın ardından Japonya’da hayat hiçbir zaman eskisi gibi olmadı. Binlerce çocuğun uzun yıllar devam edecek
Sadako ve Kağıttan Bin Turna Kuşu
Sadako ve Kağıttan Bin Turna KuşuEleanor Coerr · Beyaz Balina Yayınları · 202110,4bin okunma
72 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
I hope this reaches you in time
you are more than just a body count you are more than just a conquest you are more than just a name on the list of hearts #148376689 I hope this reaches her in time is a nice poetry book written by R.H. Sin. It consists of short but impressive poems and these poems tell the story of a woman's heartbreak.. However,
I Hope This Reaches Her in Time
I Hope This Reaches Her in TimeR. H. Sin · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 201710 okunma
You think highly of strength, Polos, and there's nothing wrong with that, because you're not strong yourself yet. But Latro can't think highly of it; he's strong, and so he's learned how little strength can do. You see, a boy can look up to a hero—in fact it's only natural at your age. But if that hero were to look up to himself in the same way, he'd be a monster, and not a hero at all.
sometimes i love you means i want to love you sometimes i love you means i’ll stay a little while longer sometimes i love you means i’m not sure how to leave sometimes i love you means i have nowhere else to go
page .....
Lydia and I were always fighting. She was a flirt and it irritated me. When we ate out I was sure she was eyeballing some man across the room. When my male friends came by to visit and Lydia was there I could hear her conversation become intimate and sexual. She always sat very close to my friends, positioning herself as near them as possible.
Is autism a disorder? It seems that in our society, in order to receive funding and a unique understanding about how one thinks, senses, perceives, and learns, one must be diagnosed with a disorder. As one little boy with Asperger syndrome once said to me, “But why is it called a disorder? There is nothing ‘disordered’ about me.” I entirely agree with him.
1000Kitap'ta Paylaşılan Sahte Alıntılar / Doğrusunu bilelim!
Bugünkü sahte aforizmamız sadece 1000kitap'ta değil, özellikle Türkçe sosyal platformlarda sıkça paylaşılan ve altına da Kafka diye alıntılanan "...beyinlerimiz savaşsın isterdim ama görüyorum ki silahsızsınız bayım..." sözü. Kafka'nın hiçbir kitabında bulunmayan bu aforizmayla ilgili eksisozluk.com sitesinde andrew adlı yazarın da eksisozluk.com/entry/53753679 linkinde bir incelemesi mevcut. Bu sözün bazı ingilizce kullanımları çeşitli kaynaklarda geçiyor. Örnek olarak 1866 yılında Abby Buchanan Longstreet'in bir kitabında geçen "a battle of wits was to be fought, and the boy in blue was unarmed" şeklindeki ifadenin en eski hallerinden biri olduğu düşünülüyor. Sanırım en doğrusu bu söze "Anonim" sıfatını vermek olsa gerek. Kaynak: kulzos.com/30480/beyinleri...
I know there is someone looking for me day and night inside her hand, and coming upon me, each moment, in her shoes. Doesn’t she know the night is buried with spurs behind the kitchen? I know there is someone composed of my pieces, whom I complete when my waist goes galloping on her precise little stone.
Forgive me, Lord! I have died so little! This afternoon everyone, everyone goes by without asking or begging me anything. And I do not know what it is they forget, and it is heavy in my hands like something stolen. I have come to the door, and I want to shout at everyone: —If you miss something, here it is! Because in all the afternoons of this life, I do not know how many doors are slammed on a face, and my soul takes something that belongs to another. Today nobody has come ; and today I have died so little in the afternoon!
Rhys düşünceli bir mırıltı çıkardı. "Nyx'e ne dersin?" Gözlerimi kırpıştırdım. "Nyx?" Rhys çalışma odasındaki kitapların birini işaret etti. Deri ciltli bir kitap açık parmaklarına doğru süzüldü. Tek kelime etmeden bir sayfayı çevirdi ve sonra bana verdi. İçindeki metni taradım. "Eski bir gece tanrıçası." Rhys,
Feysand, Özel BölümKitabı okudu
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