"cicim aylari" love bombing olarak gorulmeli cunku gercekse neden gecici bir gerceklik?
416 syf.
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Okuduğum ilk genç kurgu kitabıydı.Yazarın anlatım dili gayet akıcı ve anlaşılırdı.Ana karakter kızımızın kendi içinde yaşadığı ikilemleri okumak kitaba ayrı bir hava katmıştı.Ama yinede kitabı yeni okurlar için tavsiye ederim.Eğer ileri seviyede bir okursanız fazla zevk almayabilirsiniz.Ayrıca serinin iki devam kitabı var ilk kitap digerlerine nazaran daha sıkıcı ama okumaya değer zaten seri gittikçe güzelleşiyor :)
Love Pie
Love PieZeynep Sahra · Ren Kitap · 202210bin okunma
Yueh turned away to hide his face from her. If only it were possible to hate these people instead of love them!
i love you andreil
Neil wasn't fooled. Andrew had made it very clear the first time he kissed Neil how important an actual ''yes'' was. This casual surrender wasn't genuine consent.
aynisini diyecektim
“Why are you so concerned? Ava has her own life, and she’s not a dog. She doesn’t have to jump every time you say fetch.”
amac neydi knk
I slammed my fist into the mannequin’s face, reveling in the sharp burst of pain.
I was nervous, yes, and a bit terrified. But I’d also never felt more alive.
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Spirit of Capitalism
> "It was the power of religious influence, not alone, but more than anything else, which created the differences of which we are conscious to-day” Max Weber saw reformation as a new form of religion control, not elimination of Church’s ones. His aim focused on finding intimate relationship between asceticism and capitalism. He
Oh Love! Oh Glory! what are ye who fly Around us ever, rarely to alight? There’s not a meteor in the polar sky Of such transcendent and more fleeting flight. Chill and chained to cold earth, we lift on high Our eyes in search of either lovely light.
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