été 85
‘Maybe I loved him. I wanted to spend every second of my time with him. But when I was with him. It was not enough either..’
It was comforting to have the company of the animals in the dark forest though. Animals had always been oddly unafraid of me. I have no memory of it any other way, maybe when I was very young. Had they not been more distant when I was with other people, I might not have ever realized they didn’t usually get so close to humans. Whatever the reason, I was grateful for it. It drove me to want to do my job to the best of my abilities. All creatures deserved to be loved and taken care of.
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26 saatte okudu
Mükemmeldi, trye çevirsinler diye beklediğim her saniyeye değdi. Bi kere yazarın dili çok akıcıydı, çok eğlenceliydi. Ve orj adıyla bastığınız için teşekkür ederim. Bazı şeyler orjinal olarak kalmalı bence. O güzelim kapakta güçsüz yazısını görsem gözlerim kanardı heralde. Karakterlerin arasındaki uyum, dinamik -özellikle- Paedyn'ın hırsı
PowerlessLauren Roberts · Beta Byou · 2024140 okunma
"What else am I afraid of? Death. Fearing something that is inescapable might not be the most productive use of time. Maybe it isn’t even death that I fear but more the fear of the unknown."
Things are going to be okay. Maybe not today, and maybe not tommorow,but eventually, it will al l be okay.
She wished emotions were like flowers, pretty and color-coded so she could pick and choose which ones she wanted at what time. For some, maybe they were. Not for her. Her flowers had thorns, and they made her bleed.
Sayfa 234Kitabı okudu
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