Alain Delonun Romy Schneider için onun ölümünden sonra yazdığı mektup
“I watch you sleep. I’m with you, by your bedside. You’re wearing a long black tunic and red embroidery on the bodice. These are flowers, I think, but I do not look at them. I will say goodbye, the longest farewell, my Puppelé. That’s how I called you. It meant “little doll” in German. I do not watch the flowers, but your face and I think you’re
Bazen ne kadar diretsen de olmazmış. Gerektiğinde vazgeçmek farzmış. Sometimes, no matter how much you insist, it just doesn't work. It is necessary to give up when needed.
his dad told him many times dad the definition of a real man is one who cries without shame, reads poetry with his heart, feels opera in his soul, and does what's necessary to defend a woman.
Women are reared, and often forced, to conform to the specific requirements of ideal beauty, whatever they are at any given time. From foot-binding to waist binding to breast binding, ideal beauty often requires deforming of the natural body. From clitoridectomy to breast enlargement or reduction to surgically altered noses, ideal beauty often requires mutilation of the natural body. From hair dyeing to face painting to necessary ornamentation (for instance, high-heeled shoes), ideal beauty often requires distortion or denial of the natural body. Ranging from idiocy to atrocity, any and all strategies are employed so that the natural female body will fit the male idea of ideal female beauty.
But the one that seems most appropriate to him—the one he prefers—is “defection.” Usually, it’s used in connection with spies who crossed the border, when our world was divided into two blocs during the cold war. […] something dangerous and romantic, a manifestation of insubordination, an irrepressible desire for freedom. And a certain élan. There are evenings when he is pleased and reassured to think that this same impulse was behind his father’s disappearance. In the word “defection,” too, there is another idea: that his father missed him. And this possibility is absolutely necessary to him.
“may the flowers remind us why the rain was so necessary..”
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