"All I have is a sword, and a war I cannot win, but can never stop fighting." "I've told you I care nothing for that. Light, you've made me say more than is proper already. Will you shame me to the point of asking you?" "I will never shame you." The gentle tone, like a caress, sounded odd to Rand's ears in the Warder's voice, but it made Nynaeve's eyes brighten. "I will hate the man you choose because he is not me, and love him if he makes you smile. No woman deserves the sure knowledge of widow's black as her brideprice, you least of all."
Sayfa 721 - Orbit
"I have to go.” It took a moment for my voice to worm its way into her ears and drill a hole into her young understanding. “What?…. No ! No, you said you wouldn’t leave me. No!” She launched herself at me, sobbing wet and loud. “Ren! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry I told them about the rabbit. Please. I’m sorry! Ren, please!” She dissolved into tears, wrapping her shaking arms around the top of my thighs. “No. Please. Please don’t go. Please, please, don’t leave me.” She looked up with blotchy cheeks and gut-wrenching sadness, and my heart literally cracked in two. I bled a river inside, hot and red and painful.
Sayfa 138Kitabı okudu
explaining my depression to my mother a conversation
mom, my depression is a shape shifter; one day it is as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear, the next, it’s the bear. those days i play dead until the bear leaves me alone. i call the bad days the dark days.   mom says try lighting candles. when i see a candle, i see the flesh of a church. the flicker of life sparks a memory younger
5: Stella
Closer. Almost to the edge. I inhale sharply, the cold scraping at the inside of my lungs. He dangles one foot off the end, and the open air makes my throat tighten up. He can’t— “Will! No! Stop!” I shout, taking a step closer to him, my heart pounding in my ears. He stops, leg floating off the edge. One more step and he would have fallen. One more step and he would have . . . We stare at each other in silence, his blue eyes curious, interested. And then he starts to laugh, loud and deep and wild, in a way so familiar, it feels like pressing on a bruise. “Oh my god. The look on your face was priceless.” He mimics my voice, “Will! No! Stop!” “Are you fucking kidding me? Why would you do that? Falling to your death isn’t a joke!”
Sayfa 65
No Ears
Sometimes, we hate ourselves for the feelings we ignore. Maybe that is the problem; we do not listen to ourselves until it is too late.
Sayfa 63
It was the first assurance of belief in him that had fallen on Lydgate’s ears. He drew a deep breath, and said “Thank you.” He could say no more: it was something very new and strange in his life that these few words of trust from a woman should be so much to him.
Sayfa 936 - Bantam ClassicKitabı okudu
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