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En çok beğendiğim 200 film :)
1. To kill a mockingbird 2. The vow 3. Little children 4. Reservoir dogs 5. Leon: The professional 6. Witness for the prosecution 7. Rear window 8. The usual suspects
All through your life, the most precious experiences seem to vanish. Transience turns everything to air. You look behind and see no sign even of a yesterday that was so intense. Yet in truth, nothing ever disappears, nothing is lost. Everything that happens to us in the world passes into us. It all becomes part of the inner temple of the soul and
Hell Yeah!
Now that we have succeeded in breaking down the atom the cosmos is split wide open. Now we face in every direction at once. We have arrived, possessed of a power which even the gods of old could not wield. We are there, before the gates of hell. Will we storm the gates, burst hell itself wide open? I believe we will. I think that the task of the future is to explore the domain of evil until not a shred of mystery is left. We shall discover the bitter roots of beauty, accept root and flower, leaf and bud. We can no longer resist evil: we must accept.
All of our neighbors had driveways, some with fancy, cast-iron gates. None of them had cars, either.There was no future in which most of these families would ever have cars.There was maybe one car for every thousand people, yet almost everyone had a driveway. It was almost like building the driveway was a way of willing the car to happen. The story of Soweto is the story of the driveways.It’s a hopeful place.
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter,
If reality were a painting, and I were the painter, I would paint with all the colors, I would paint all the dreams, I would paint from east to west, every corner and border. I would paint a world where peace and harmony reign. I would draw how many schools teach children with pencils, Everyone would learn and work, no more
No matter what happens... I will always love you.
Seven Seans -Suwa Hirito- Ne olursa olsun, seni her zaman seveceğim.
I have no past without him, and no future without him.
KİTAPLAR ÖLMESİN (DON’T LET THE BOOKS DİE) Sadece canlılar mı ölür, peki ya kitaplar? Kitapların da bir ruhu yok mudur? Kitap sektörünün ve yayıncılığın zor günler geçirdiği günümüzde, acilen bir şeyler yapılmazsa eğer kitaplar ölecek ve kültür büyük bir darbe görecektir. Kitapların ölmesi demek, toplumun hafızasının ölmesi demektir ki bu
“The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”
The fate of galaxies depends upon the fate of the Universe. There are three basic scenarios to be considered, and although theorists have come up with many variations on the basic themes these subtleties do not significantly alter the three possibilities for the fate of galaxies. The first possibility is that the Universe will keep expanding in more or less the same way as today, with a steady acceleration. The statistics of observations available today favour this possibility, but not decisively enough to rule out the two other options. The second possibility is that the acceleration of the expansion rate will itself accelerate. The third is that the acceleration will switch over into a deceleration at some point in the not too distant future and the Universe will eventually collapse into a Big Crunch that is the time-reversed version of the Big Bang. All these scenarios are speculative, and when we look at the timescales involved there is no point in talking in anything but round numbers, so we start with the present age of the Universe rounded off to 10 billion (1010) years as a benchmark. Also, we know so little about the nature of dark matter that it is difficult even to speculate about what might happen to it in the distant future, so I shall concentrate on the fate of baryons, the familiar particles that we ourselves are made of.
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