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In April 1956, the first issue of Tempo Presente appeared in Italy. Edited by Ignazio Silone and Nicola Chiaromonte, it was the first serious challenge to Nuovi Argomenti, a journal founded in 1954 by Alberto Moravia which closely resembled Sartre’s Les Temps modernes. Tempo Presente took the resemblance one step further, its title a deliberate echo of Sartre’s. Cynics would later argue that this amounted to intellectual theft, and illustrated claims that one major CIA strategy was to create or support ‘parallel’ organizations which provided an alternative to radicalism over which they had no control. Certainly, Tempo Presente ‘opened its pages to many defectors from the Italian Communist Party in the late 1950s’, including the writers Italo Calvino, Vasco Pratolini and Libero de Libero. Its pages were also open to dissident writers from the eastern bloc who, together with the regular stable of Congress contributors, kept up a sustained attack on the vagaries of Communist totalitarianism.
The New Press - 2000
"He might talk to Rogan, since he’s the most dangerous man in Houston.” “Is that the official title?” I asked. “No,” Rogan said. “It’s a statement of fact.”
Avon BooksKitabı okudu
Life Stories Everyone you meet has a part to play in your story. And while some may take a chapter, others a paragraph, and most will be no more than scribbled notes in the margins, someday you’ll meet someone who will become so integral to your life, you’ll put their name in the title.
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