Disagreement is something normal !!!
We only bring up things we love. Or things we hate. I’d always prefer the love. But if I can’t get that, I’ll take the hate. There’s always a chance I can turn that hate into something positive. It’s a sensibility that’s earned me a reputation as a bully in the minds of many. I rarely dispute the title, but it’s an oversimplification. I don’t wake up in the morning looking to pick fights with people. I don’t celebrate conflict. Again, I’d rather be friends. But if someone says they want a problem with me, I’ll respond, “No problem.” Because it’s never a problem for me to compete. *----- Sadece sevdiğimiz şeyleri gündeme getiriyoruz. Veya nefret ettiğimiz şeyler. Ben her zaman sevgiyi tercih ederim. Ama eğer bunu başaramazsam, nefreti alacağım. Bu nefreti olumlu bir şeye dönüştürme şansım her zaman vardır. Bu, birçok kişinin zihninde bana zorba olarak ün kazandıran bir duyarlılık. Başlığa nadiren itiraz ederim, ancak bu aşırı basitleştirmedir. Sabahları insanlarla kavga etmek için uyanmıyorum. Çatışmayı kutlamıyorum. Tekrar ediyorum, arkadaş olmayı tercih ederim. Ama birisi benimle sorun yaşamak istediğini söylerse, "Sorun değil" diye yanıt veririm. Çünkü rekabet etmek benim için asla sorun değil.
240 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 14 days
The Leader Who Had No Title
Kitabı okumaya başlamadan önce yapılan incelemelere baktığımda pek de başarılı bir kitap değilmiş ancak illaki öğreneceğim bir şey vardır diye düşünüp okumaya karar vermiştim. Nitekim benim için pek de faydalı bir kitap olmadı ancak buna neyin sebep olduğunu anlayabiliyorum. Öncelikle bir kişisel gelişim kitabının size fayda sağlayabilmesi için o
Unvansız Lider
Unvansız LiderRobin Sharma · Pegasus Yayıncılık · 2010385 okunma
O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I’ll no longer be a Capulet. ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot Nor arm nor face nor any other part Belonging to a man. O be some other name. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.
Penguin Black Classics - Romeo and Juliet, [II, ii, 33–49], Juliet.Kitabı okudu
288 syf.
5/10 puan verdi
Here's why it took me too long to read all the book..
This time, I'm here to analyze
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
Marlowe Granados
Marlowe Granados
. Well, maybe I should not put it like that, using the word ''analyze'', because that is not exactly what I mean to do; but you should know that I am going to tell what I think about this book. You may have noticed that I am writing in English. I have two reasons for
Happy Hour
Happy HourMarlowe Granados · Verso Fiction · 20211 okunma
“The pictures’ titles do not constitute explanations; nor do the pictures illustrate their titles. The relationship between title and picture is a poetic one: this relationship serves merely to record certain characteristics of the objects that are commonly ignored by one’s consciousness but of which one sometimes is a presentiment when confronted by extraordinary events which one’s reason has by no means been able to shed light upon yet.”
Sayfa 25
''No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive Our bosom interest. Go, pronounce his present death, and with his former title greet Macbeth.''
151 syf.
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No title
Dili kurgusu olay akışları harika olayları biraz daha fazla okuyucu hüzünlendirecek şekilde veya daha detaylı aktarmış olsaydı harika olurdu. Okurken ahiri evi hayvanları daha önce tanıyormuş hissi yaratıyor.
Hayvan Çiftliği
Hayvan ÇiftliğiGeorge Orwell · İletişim Yayınları · 2021248.1k okunma
Chaol’s brown eyes shone golden in the midday sun. “Wasn’t learning to lose gracefully part of your training?” “No,” she said sourly. “Arobynn told me that second place was just a nice title for the first loser.”
Not rated
Crime Monastery
"The Name of the Rose” which is a post-modern work was written by Umberto Eco in 1980. It is a historical murder mystery. Umberto Eco is a medieval expert. The author deals with the Middle Ages in a fictional structure, while at the same time providing real information about the state - church-sects, along with his deep historical research.
The Name of the Rose
The Name of the RoseUmberto Eco · Vintage Uk · 199212.6k okunma
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