pink floyd - comfortably numb gülümsemesi
Her gün yeni bir musibet geliyor başıma. Ama umurumda değil artık, aldırmıyorum, gülümsüyorum hatta.
Sayfa 3 - Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"Bizim bakış açışımızdan baktığında gözümüz estetik etkiyi görüyor. Öyleyse müziğe dünyanın, kendimizin en derin doğası bakımından çok daha ciddi, çok daha derin bir anlam yüklemeliyiz." -Arthur Schopenhauer Linkin Park - Numb
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, And Mourners to and fro Kept treading - treading - till it seemed That Sense was breaking through - And when they all were seated, A Service, like a Drum - Kept beating - beating - till I thought My mind was going numb - And then I heard them lift a Box And creak across my Soul With those same Boots of Lead, again, Then Space - began to toll, As all the Heavens were a Bell, And Being, but an Ear, And I, and Silence, some strange Race, Wrecked, solitary, here - And then a Plank in Reason, broke, And I dropped down, and down - And hit a World, at every plunge, And Finished knowing - then -
Yakında yıkılacağım Aynı eski odada... Lil happy Lil sad- Lil numb Eskiden hep aynı odada içime Kapanır aynı odada çiçek sulardım. O zamanlar en çok dinlediğim şarkılar arasındaydı bu şarkı. Penceremi açar kuşları izlerdim . Kusursuz oldukları kadar saçma bulurdum kimi zaman onları. Kapıya çıkar köpeğimi severdim o odadan sanırım sadece onun için çıkardım. Şimdi o evde değilim köpeğim benimle değil bir kapanıp bir açılmıyorum tek bildiğim o zaman uykusuzluk ve hatta sabah cıvıl cıvıl gelen kuş sesleri bile huzur vericiydi. Şimdi aynaya baktığımda odada benliğimde ruhumda sadece balkonunda çiçek olan harabe bir ev görüyorum...
'' Question for you, Neil. Do I look dead to you?" He pointed up at his face, waited for Neil to answer, and didn't seem surprised when Neil didn't. "Here." Andrew beckoned Neil closer as if he wanted to show Neil something on his phone's small screen. He flipped the phone open one-handed and pressed down hard on a single button. There was silence, then the distant hum of Andrew's phone dialing out. Between them Neil's phone started to sing. The words were different than Andrew's ringtone, but the voice was the same. Neil knew it was from the same miserable song. The lyrics hurt just as much as Andrew's had. Neil stared down at the phone and let it ring. "Your phone is ringing," Andrew said. "You should answer it." Neil picked it up with numb fingers and opened it. He spared only a second to look at Andrew's name on the screen before he answered and put it to his ear. "Your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay," Andrew said. "This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive. "I don't care if you use this phone tomorrow. I don't care if you never use it again. But you are going to keep it on you because one day you might need it." Andrew put a finger to the underside of Neil's chin and forced Neil's head up until they were looking at each other. "On that day you're not going to run. You're going to think about what I promised you and you're going to make the call. Tell me you understand."
Benim kafamın içindeki gibi
Acıdan uyarılmış zihinlerde “Comfortably Numb” çalıyordu.
Sayfa 15
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