So I took Anse. And when I knew that I had Cash, I knew that living was terrible and that this was the answer to it. That was when I learned that words are no good; that words don't ever fit even what they are trying to say at. When he was born I knew that motherhood was invented by someone who had to have a word for it because the ones that had the children didn’t care whether there was a word for it or not. I knew that fear was invented by someone that had never had the fear; pride, who never had the pride. I knew that it had been, not that they had dirty noses, but that we had had to use one another by words like spiders dangling by their mouths from a beam, swinging and twisting and never touching, and that only through the blows of the switch could my blood and their blood flow as one stream. I knew that it had been, not that my aloneness had to be violated over and over each day, but that it had never been violated until Cash came. Not even by Anse in the nights.
Sayfa 463 - AddieKitabı okudu
He had known it for years, had survived for years because of it, had found strength in the darkest pits of hell because of it, because of her. Amara. A decade ago, Dante had loved the girl she'd been. Now, he was awed by the woman she had become. He had seen her, every time he saw her, growing into her skin, glowing with her scars, becoming a woman who would one day rule by his side.
He thinks that this is a poor pitiful life, not foreseeing that for him too, maybe, sometime the mournful hour may strike, when for one day of that pitiful life he would give all his years of phantasy, and would give them not only for joy and for happiness, but without caring to make distinctions in that hour of sadness, remorse and unchecked grief. But so far that threatening has not arrived— he desires nothing, because he is superior to all desire, because he has everything, because he is satiated, because he is the artist of his own life, and creates it for himself every hour to suit his latest whim. And you know this fantastic world of fairyland is so easily, so naturally created! As though it were not a delusion! Indeed, he is ready to believe at some moments that all this life is not suggested by feeling, is not mirage, not a delusion of the imagination, but that it is concrete, real, substantial!
Saga EgmontKitabı okudu
"How about my perspective then? You're the one who keeps my demons at bay, the one who makes me look forward to new days. You're the only red in my black-and-white world. You're my fucking purpose, but he hurt you. He put his hands on what belongs to me. On my girl." He wraps a hand around my throat. It's not harsh, just enough to tell me who's in control. "Listen to me and listen to me well, Glyndon. I spent my whole life repressing my true nature, but I'd willingly embrace my demons for you. I'd turn into the devil, a monster, and whatever weapon I have to be if it means I can protect you. You will never, ever question me about it, do you hear me?"
“I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not. I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Beatles and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectable, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is
The Allied commanders were now in a quandary: they couldn't crush the Turkish guns unless they came in close eneough to bring their massive firepower to bear, but they couldn't be sure that the mines had been cleared so that it was safe for them to venture in that close. Following a last-minute change in command after Admiral Carden
If you are motivated enough, you will find a way to make sure you get in your training sessions, no matter what... One of the most common complaints I hear is from people who say they just can't find the time to get in their workouts. Some are young bodybuilders who are in school or have jobs that make scheduling workouts difficult. "I
“If you imagine the 4,500-bilion-odd years of Earth's history compressed into a normal earthly day, then life begins very early, about 4 A.M., with the rise of the first simple, single-celled organisms, but then advances no further for the next sixteen hours. Not until almost 8:30 in the evening, with the day five-sixths over, has Earth
I pledge to heal the wounds of Tatars, Why should my unfortunate brothers rot away; If! don't sing, don't grieve for them, if! live, Let the dark streams of blood in my heart go dry! I pledge to bring light to that darkened country How may two brothers not see one another? When I see this, if! don't get distressed, hurt, seared, Let the tears that flow from my eyes become a river, a sea of blood! I pledge, give my word to die for knowledge Knowing, seeing, to wipe away the teardrops of my nation If! live a thousand unknowing, unseeing years, if! become a gathering's chief Still one day the gravediggers will come to bury me!
How can we be more antifragile?
Step 1: Create redundancies Instead of having a single salary, try to find a way to make money from your hobbies, at other jobs, or by starting your own business. If you have only one salary, you might be left with nothing should your employer run into trouble, leaving you in a position of fragility. On the other hand, if you have several options
A Tough Time “I was a student of philosophy,” said the guy at the end of the bar. “good,” said a guy at the middle of the bar. “how’d you like to come down here and lick my balls?”
- how life is a swift motion, a continuous flowing, changing, and how one is always saying goodbye and going places, seeing people, doing things. Only in the rain, sometimes, only when the rain comes, closing in your pitifully small radius of activity, only when you sit and listen by the window, as the cold wet air blows thinly by the back of your neck - only then do you think and feel sick. You feel the days slipping by, elusive as slippery pink worms, through your fingers, and you wonder what you have for your eighteen years, and you think about how, with difficulty and concentration, you could bring back a day, a day of sun, blue skies and watercoloring by the sea. You could remember the sensual observations that made that day reality, and you could delude yourself into thinking - almost - that you could return to the past, and relive the days and hours in a quick space of time. But no, the quest of time past is more difficult than you think, and time present is eaten up by such plaintive searchings. The film of your days and nights is wound up tight in you, never to be re-run - and the occasional flashbacks are faint, blurred, unreal, as if seen through falling snow. Now, you begin to get scared.
Bilgi X Eylem = ≋G≋Ü≋Ç Information X Action = ≋P≋O≋W≋E≋R Hobbes, "Bilgi Güçtür" sözünün Latince karşılığı olan scienceia potentia est, ifadesini 1651'de basılan Leviathan adlı kitabında kullanana kadar hiç kaleme alınmamıştır. Sonrasında 1655'te yazdığı De Corpore adlı eserinde bu fikri daha kapsamlı ele almıştır fakat ne
Sayfa 151 - Parola Yayınları 8.BaskıKitabı okudu
Up to then he had gone forward through the heedless season of early youth – along a road which to children seems infinite, where the years slip past slowly and with quiet pace so that no one notices them go. We walk along calmly, looking curiously around us; there is not the least need to hurry, no one pushes us on from behind and no one is waiting for us; our comrades, too, walk on thoughtlessly, and often stop to joke and play. From the houses, in the doorways, the grown-up people greet us kindly and point to the horizon with an understanding smile. And so the heart begins to beat with desires at once heroic and tender, we feel that we are on the threshold of the wonders awaiting us further on. As yet we do not see them, that is true – but it is certain, absolutely certain that one day we shall reach them.