When I kill a man, I do it with my sword, but people like you don't use swords. You gentlemen kill with your power, with your money, and sometimes just with your words: you tell poeple you're doing them a favor. True, no blood flows, the man is still alive, but you've killed him all the same. I don't know whose sin is greater - yours or mine.
Labirentin Şarkısı The Labyrinth Song
İpliğinin yününü insan imgeleminin tarlalarından derlemiştir. Yüzyıllarca  çifçilik, onlarca yıllık ağır hasat, sayısız yürek ve elin  abası bu sıkıca sarılmış iplik düzleşmesine, ayrılmasına ve sarılmasına gitmiştir. Dahası, macerayı tek başına göze almamız dahi gerekmez;  çünkü her  çağdan kahramanlar bizden  önce gitmiştir; labirent
Sayfa 36 - Ariadne, Asaf Avidanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiL9ItjmHRwKitabı okuyor
I don't respect people or try to do things for them. That's why I've been lonely all this time.
Ingmar Bergman
"I understand, all right. The hopeless dream of being - not seeming, but being. At every waking moment, alert. The gulf between what you are with others and what you are alone. The vertigo and the constant hunger to be exposed, to be seen through, perhaps even wiped out. Every inflection and every gesture a lie, every smile a grimace.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life” (Rocky Balboa Rocky IV)
The Sorrows of Young Werther
“Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully, grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!” “Is this the destiny of man? Is he only happy before he has acquired his reason or after he has lost it?” “What a torment it is to see so much loveliness passing and repassing before us, and yet not dare to lay hold of it!” “Every day I observe more and more the folly of judging of others by ourselves; and I have so much trouble with myself, and my own heart is in such constant agitation, that I am well content to let others pursue their own course, if they only allow me the same privilege.” “In happy ignorance, I sighed for a world I did not know, where I hoped to find every pleasure and enjoyment which my heart could desire; and now, on my return from that wide world... how many disappointed hopes and unsuccessful plans have I brought back!” “Must it ever be thus-that the source of our happiness must also be the fountain of our misery? The full and ardent sentiment which animated my heart with the love of nature, overwhelming me with a torrent of delight, and which brought all paradise before me, has now become an insupportable torment, a demon which perpetually pursues and harrasses me.”
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