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Sayfa 210
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I've never seen it before Heartache is healed through the ear.
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This thing called jealousy is self-generating, It is a self-generating monster.
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"What has a sudden beginning also comes to an end quickly.
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I've never seen it before Heartache is healed through the ear.
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In order to clearly see the true face of evil, it is necessary to commit evil.
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I've never seen it before Heartache is healed through the ear.
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What has a sudden beginning also comes to an end quickly.
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What you call honor cannot be touched, cannot be seen with the naked eye, Even those who don't have it, They often appear to have it.
Hem güzel, hem akıllıysa bir kadın, bilir Güzelliği kullanılmak, aklı kullanmak içindir. Ya bir kadın çirkin ve akıllıysa? Çirkinse eğer, ama aklı varsa ona yetecek, Mutlaka bir güzel bulur çirkinliğini örtecek. Ya güzel, ama aptal olursa? Güzel olan kadına daha hiç aptal denilmemiştir, Hatta aptallığı sayesinde çocuk bile edinmiştir.
Sayfa 35 - Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları 14.BasımKitabı okudu
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