Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Gönderi Oluştur
Türklerin anavatanı, padişahın onları yolladığı yerdi, aslında bütün bu topraklar padişahın mülküydü, yasal anlamda Türklere ait değildi. Türklerin başka bir vatanı, üzerinde herhangi bir hak iddia edebilecekleri bir yurtları olmadığı gibi, böyle bir yurda sahip olma hakları da yoktu.
In the prologue of the eleborate history which he wrote at the command Bayezid II, Kemal Pashazade compares the Ottoman history with earlier Muslim dynasties and sums under three heads, vücûh-i rüchân, 'the reason of their superiority'. First, he says, the Ottomans unlike other Muslim dynasties, came the power not through the violent overthrow of older Muslim states within the Islamic community, but through the conquest of territories pertaining to the infidel world, the Dâr ul-Harb.
Sayfa 13
No other state possesses the military power of the Ottomans; the Ottomans have powerful artillery and a great maritime power; the aims of the Ottoman Sultan are 'tedbîr-i 'imâret-i rûy-i zemîn' to make the face of the world to flourish, to destroy the foes of the true Faith, and to uphold the Holy Law.
Sayfa 13
We must point out here that the Western and Eastern enemies of the Ottomans tried to establish contacts with one another. In pursuance of their designs upon the Ottomans, Timur sent letters to the French court, Uzun Hassan made an alliance with Venice, and the Safavids sent embassies to the Hapsburg of Germany and Spain. The Ottomans took great care to follow a policy of alternate war and peace in order to avoid having to fight simultaneous wars on two fronts. But during the long war against the Hapsburgs in the years of 1593-1606, Shah Abbas attack in Azerbaijan forced the Ottomans to fight on two fronts at the same time with disastrous consequences.
Sayfa 23
...'May I ask you a rather personal question?' 'Certainly' I said. "Does it trouble you," he inquired, "to make your living by disrupting the lives of others?" "We just value," I replied. "We do not decide whether to buy or to sell, or indeed what happens to a company after we have values it." He nodded; he lit a cigarette and took a sip from his glass of wine. Then he asked, "Have you heard of the janissaries?" "No" I said. "They were Christian boys," he explained, "captured by the Ottomans and trained to be soldiers in a Muslim army, at that time the greatest army in the world. They were ferocious and utterly loyal: they had fought to erase their own civilizations, so they had nothing else to turn to."
Sayfa 172 - PENGUIN BOOKSKitabı okudu
The first direct relations between the Indian Muslims and the Ottomans were established in the late fifteenth century. Indian Muslims and the Ottomans (1877-1914) A Study of Indo-Muslim Attitudes to Pan-İslamism ana Turkey (Azmi ÖZCAN PhD Thesis, London Oct 1990)
Social Disabilities versus the Claim of Nationality Privileges
rtime American Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, offered the following confirmatory observation in this regard. The so-called privileges were not due to "a spirit of tolerance, but merely because they [the Ottomans] looked upon the Christian nations as unclean and, therefore, unfit to have any contact...the 'millets' [were] regarded as vermin and therefore disqualified for membership in the Ottoman State." [27] --- 27. Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page, 1918), p. 280.
The title ghazi was the most obvious legacy the nationalists willingly inherited from the Ottomans. (...) Such was the mystique of this title, the Nationalist Assembly bestowed it upon Mustafa Kemal Pasha during the war against the Greeks. He, despite his commitment to secularism, continued to use the title until 1934 when the Assembly granted him the surname Atatürk.
Sayfa 16
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