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282 syf.
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ANI yaşayalım, bu KİTABI okuyalım!
Tam da şu sıralar hayat hakkında derin derin düşünürken denk geldiğim, ramazanın susuz ve açlık içinde geçen ilk günlerinde bana tüm hislerimi unutturup mutluluğa doğru sebepsiz adım atmamı sağlayan, akıcı, ders verici ve okunması gereken bir roman.. İncelemem SPOİLER içerebilir. Bazen insan çok sıkışır değişik duyguların ve hislerin içerisinde.
Gece Yarısı Kütüphanesi
Gece Yarısı KütüphanesiMatt Haig · Domingo Yayınevi · 202154,5bin okunma
Gülümseyerek, uçar gibi, tasasızca yürüyor, hiçbir şey düşünmüyor ve çevresinde gülümseyen her şeye uyarak o da gülümsüyordu.
The Passenger (1975)
+Neyden kaçıyorsun? -Sırtını ön koltuğa çevir...
“As the Model S neared completion, he got in the car one day and pulled down the passenger-side visor. “What the fuck is this?” he asked, pointing to the government-mandated warning label about air bags and how to disable them when a child is in the passenger seat. Dave Morris explained that the government required them. “Get rid of them,” Musk ordered. “People aren’t stupid. These stickers are stupid.”
"Fuck that. If you weren't here, I would've introduced that bunch of Heathens to my special brand of fucked up." "And get yourself killed?" "Will you cry at my funeral?" "Lan! Don't joke about nonsense like that." "But I want to know. Will you?" I sigh as I help him into the passenger seat. "You're my twin brother." And?" He looks at me expectantly, like a fucking hyena who's waiting to pounce on its prey. Or maybe it's just expectation and I'm reading too much into it. "And that means I wouldn't be the same without you. Not that you share the sentiment." I start to close the door, but he shoves his foot against it, keeping it open. "You know, that's your problem, Bran. You always assume things about me instead of fucking talking to me. It's a nasty habit that needs to go." He holds my gaze with his identical one. "I wouldn't be the same without you, either, twat. You're part of me."
I had to (and still do, regularly) go through a period of sitting in toxic bullshit, abandoning old versions of myself, shedding skins and experiencing this uncomfortable transition to be the person I am today –feeling confident enough in myself and my voice to write this book, speak my mind and vocalize my experiences. Growth can feel isolating. Everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world shifts right before your eyes. You’ll start to notice unhealthy and toxic qualities in your friends, as well as yourself. You’ll stop enjoying your once- favourite movies when you realize they portray women as nothing more than a feast for male eyes and desires. The lyrics to your favourite Rolling Stones song start to ring a little problematic, and you’ll be disgusted to discover that sexism, racism, ableism and transphobia exist in almost every environment, including the depths of your own subconscious mind. A shift in perspective has the power to flip the world as you know it upside down. But wouldn’t you rather see the world clearly, than walk through life oblivious to all that you are complicit in and enabling? Don’t be a passenger in your own life. Having your world turned upside down and experiencing temporary discomfort is minor in comparison to the suffering you would have endured and inflicted onto others over the course of your life if you left these things unchecked. Temporary discomfort is an investment in your future self. Accept a small and uncomfortable transition now, for a lifetime of growth and self-development. Feminism and self-discovery will uproot your entire life, but it’s going to be worth it. I promise.
Passenger-Let Her Go
'Cause you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go'
83 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
"Chess Story," also recognized as "The Royal Game," stands as the crowning accomplishment of Austrian maestro Stefan Zweig. Crafted during his Brazilian exile and dispatched to his American publisher mere days prior to his tragic suicide in 1942, this work occupies a unique space. Notably, it is the solitary tale in which Zweig scrutinizes Nazism, employing his signature focus on the psychological dimension. Commencing their voyage from New York to Buenos Aires, passengers on a ship discover the presence of the reigning world chess champion, a man marked by arrogance and aloofness. Captivated by the challenge, they assemble to test their skills against this formidable adversary, only to suffer decisive defeat. The unfolding narrative takes an unexpected turn as an enigmatic passenger steps into the fray, offering guidance that miraculously transforms their fortunes. This person's mysterious prowess in chess raises questions about the source of this expertise and the personal sacrifices it exacted—cornerstones of Zweig's tale.
SatrançStefan Zweig · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2020236,5bin okunma
kalbin nerdeyse evin ordadır derler. şimdi ben kalpsiz miyim, yoksa evsiz mi? sevgi aşk için var derler. yani ben sevgisiz miyim, yoksa sadece daha az mı seviyorum? -Passenger
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