Doğum eylemi temelde dört ana faktörün etkisi altındadır. Bunlar; Doğum yolu (Passageway) Fetüs (Passenger) Uterin kontraksiyonlar (Power) Psikolojik durum (Pysche)
Twice before Lila had made this journey, but always as a passenger. Always using Kell’s magic. Never her own. And never alone. But there was no time to think, no time to be afraid, and certainly no time to wait. Chest heaving and pulse high, Lila swallowed and said the words, as boldly as she could. Words that belonged only on the lips of a blood magician. An Antari. Like Holland. Like Kell. “As Travars.” The magic sang up her arm, and through her chest, and then the city lurched around her, gravity twisting as the world gave way. Lila thought it would be easy or, at least, simple. Something you either survived, or did not. She was wrong.
Part 1 - Chapter IKitabı okudu
The first time, the chauffeur had offered to walk Juliette, but his offer dried up as soon as Juliette removed a gun from her shoe and set it in the passenger seat, telling him to shoot if he was ambushed. It was easy to forget who Juliette was when she was lounging in the back seat, inspecting her nails. It was harder when she clambered out and put on her heiress face to combat the night.
—“If you won’t I’ll do it myself. I’ll get to the train station myself.” —“There isn’t any passenger train that goes up our way anymore.”
Sayfa 101
Dear passenger. We’ve arrived in Turkey.
“Kendinde akıl bulunmayanı akılla yönetemezsin.”
"David drives Sarah home, and though their companionship is stiff and wordless Sarah sits in his new-smelling passenger seat as if perched on the wing of some fabulous beast."
Sayfa 80
22 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.