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Passenger | Let Her Go
I had to (and still do, regularly) go through a period of sitting in toxic bullshit, abandoning old versions of myself, shedding skins and experiencing this uncomfortable transition to be the person I am today –feeling confident enough in myself and my voice to write this book, speak my mind and vocalize my experiences. Growth can feel isolating. Everything you thought you knew about yourself and the world shifts right before your eyes. You’ll start to notice unhealthy and toxic qualities in your friends, as well as yourself. You’ll stop enjoying your once- favourite movies when you realize they portray women as nothing more than a feast for male eyes and desires. The lyrics to your favourite Rolling Stones song start to ring a little problematic, and you’ll be disgusted to discover that sexism, racism, ableism and transphobia exist in almost every environment, including the depths of your own subconscious mind. A shift in perspective has the power to flip the world as you know it upside down. But wouldn’t you rather see the world clearly, than walk through life oblivious to all that you are complicit in and enabling? Don’t be a passenger in your own life. Having your world turned upside down and experiencing temporary discomfort is minor in comparison to the suffering you would have endured and inflicted onto others over the course of your life if you left these things unchecked. Temporary discomfort is an investment in your future self. Accept a small and uncomfortable transition now, for a lifetime of growth and self-development. Feminism and self-discovery will uproot your entire life, but it’s going to be worth it. I promise.
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