Ne Okusam?
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Oh Time, why dost not pause? Thy scythe, so dirty With rust, should surely cease to hack and hew. Reset it, shave more smoothly, also slower, If but to keep thy credit as a mower.
However, the poor jackals are less foul (As being the brave lions’ keen providers) Than human insects, catering for spiders. Raise but an arm! ’Twill brush their web away, And without that, their poison and their claws Are useless. Mind, good people, what I say (Or rather peoples), go on without pause! The web of these tarantulas each day Increases, till you shall make common cause.
you kiss my forehead. pause. . . . rewind play. you kiss my forehead. rewind. play. you kiss my forehead. rewind. play.
An die nächsten Schritte sollte man nicht zu viele Gedanken verschwenden....
es ist so: Manchmal hat man eine sehr lange Straße vor sich. Man denkt, die ist so schrecklich lang; das kann man niemals schaffen .... Und dann fängt man an, sich zu eilen. Und man eilt sich immer mehr. Jedesmal, wenn man aufblickt, sieht man, daß es gar nicht weniger wird, was noch vor einem liegt. Und man strengt sich immer mehr an, man kriegt es mit der Angst, und zum Schluß ist man ganz außer Puste und kann nicht mehr. Und die Straße liegt immer noch vor einem. So darf man es nicht machen..... Er dachte einige Zeit nach. Dann sprach er weiter: Man darf nie an die ganze Straße auf einmal denken, verstehst du? Man muß nur an den nächsten Schritt denken, an den nächsten Atemzug, an den nächsten Besenstrich. Und immer wieder nur an den nächsten.... Wieder hielt er inne und überlegte, ehe er hinzufügte: Dann macht es Freude; das ist wichtig, dann macht man seine Sache gut. Und so soll es sein..... abermals nach einer langen Pause fuhr er fort: „Auf einmal merkt man, daß man Schritt für Schritt die ganze Straße gemacht hat. Man hat gar nicht gemerkt wie, und man ist nicht außer Puste..... Er nickte vor sich hin und sagte abschließend: Das ist wichtig.....
"I am in a vague state at the moment, which is not good. I was born depressed and pathetic. I don't have deep thoughts or powers or insight. The only things I'm good at are regret and self-criticism, and even these I can only pause, never stop completely. I understand all this with my brain, but I have the hardest time modifying my behavour appropriately."
"Let us pause a moment to consider this passage, the philosophy of which Kürnberger sums up in the words, "They make tallow out of cattle and money out of men"".
For the sword outwears its sheath, And the soul wears out the breast, And the heart must pause to breathe, And love itself have rest.
Turning, Carson saw a velociraptor trot out of a dark corner of the barn. Spotting Carson by the nest, its head went low and its tail straight out. Hissing, it cocked its head back and forth, sizing up its target. Velociraptors were small predators, this adult about the size of a German shepherd, but equipped with curved claws used to slash prey to ribbons. Carson was six feet tall and 190 pounds, just big enough to give the velociraptor pause, but not for long. Velociraptors could bring down prey several times its own size. Slowly raising his tranquilizer rifle, Carson backed up, making sure when he moved, he moved away from the nest. The velociraptor continued to hiss, watching Carson’s movements, sizing him up, plotting an attack. Fanny had been right when she said velociraptors hunted in packs. It also nested in pairs. Carson had to get out of there before the mate showed up. In his peripheral vision, Carson saw the stairs. Guessing the barn doors were nailed shut, Carson backed up faster, never taking his eyes off the hissing velociraptor. Before he got to the bottom of the stairs, another velociraptor trotted out of the shadows of the collapsed wall. This velociraptor was larger, the size of a Rottweiler, and just as fearless. Assuming the attack posture, it was more impulsive than its partner. It charged.
Das ist nicht das Ende.Es ist nur eine kleine Pause in unserem Leben. Und ich werde über dich wachen, jeden einzelnen Tag. Ich werde in deinem Herzen sein.
"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."
One. “Are you ready?” A pause. “Are you scared?” He lifts his arm. Smiles a little. “Don’t worry, it’s almost over now.” Two. “Just a little longer and I’ll leave.” “You’ll be alright,” he lies. “I promise.” Three. Boom.
“I pause a second. He doesn't look at me the way Will, Christina, and Al sometimes do - like I am too small and too weak to be of any use, and they pity me for it.”
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