The next turning point came in 1948, when Ginsberg had a vision of the poet and artist William Blake reciting verses from his 1794 collection Songs of Experience, miraculously reaching Ginsberg from beyond the barrier separating death and life. The life-changing impact of this mystical experience affirmed his conviction that he was destined to be a spiritually attuned poet and a forceful advocate of the New Vision, the vaguely defined aesthetic agenda dreamed up by Ginsberg and his friends.
Oxford UP - Beat poetry and more: Ginsberg, Corso, and CompanyKitabı okudu
“François Rabelais. He was this poet. And his last words were ‘I go to seek a Great Perhaps.’ That’s why I’m going. So I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.”
İnsan parasını kaybedince fakir, özgürlüğünü kaybedince esir, aşkını kaybedince şair olurmuş. When a person lost his money the poor, is a slave when he lost his freedom, he became a poet when he lost his love.
"Tu le poet son fu!"* Bütün şairler çılgındır.
Sayfa 80 - Can yayınları, günümüz Türkçesi
"and the longer i stay here, the more i am sure that the more i step into becoming a poet the less i will fall into being with you "
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