Tolkien, Atlakviða hakkında...
'We are in the presence of great poetry that can still move us as poetry. Its style is universally and rightly praised: rapid, terse, vigorous -- while maintaining, within its narrow limits, characterization. The poet who wrote it knew how to produce the grim and deadly atmosphere his theme demanded. It lives in the memory as one of the things in the Edda most instinct with that demonic energy and force which one finds in Old Norse verse.'
Sayfa 312Kitabı okudu
Unfortunately, not every poet is born into a world which values poetry, my friend. -Then such a world is not deserving of poets.
The Initiation VI
Still we can laugh at burgesses and churls In our excess agony and lust. We pity these poor prudes, insipid girls And tepid boys, these creatures of the dust. We pity all these meal-mouthed montebanks That prate of Jesus, ethics, faith and reason, These jerry-built dyspeptics, stuccoed cranks, Their lives one dreary plain, one moist dull season Like their grey land. O costive crapulence! They ache and strain within the water closet Of church and State, their shocked bleat of offence: "This poet's life was such a failure". Was it? Fools! our worst boredom was a loftier thrill Than all you ever felt - or ever will.
The poet must know how to hate, says Goethe; and Will was at least ready with that accomplishment.
Sayfa 275 - Bantam ClassicKitabı okudu
We have little precise information on the sociological organization of such structures, but one can safely assume that the Thule group contributed to the development of Nazi ideology, even though it was dissolved in 1925. Created by the poet Dietrich Eckart, the Thule group based their ideology on magic and secrecy. This dimension was a part of Nazism. Hitler, Himmler and Hess were deeply immersed in its myths. According to certain authors, Rosenberg and Professor Karl Haushofer (one of the fathers of geopolitics) were ardent organizers of this group. The group’s founding myth rises from the existence of Thule, magical center of a lost Scandinavian civilization whose secrets, preserved by a small group of “unknown superiors,” are accessible exclusively by initiation to the group. The initiates and the esoteric Nazis believed that between mankind and extraterrestrial beings there were intermediaries who could give the initiates colossal supernatural powers necessary for the fulfillment of their paramount mission, which is to fulfill the spiritual destiny of humanity. However, only those with the gift of being a medium, like Hitler, could serve as a “bridge” between these invisible forces and the common people. And it is the Aryan race, the main branch of humanity, still according to Thule, which is designated to assume destiny over the earth and to govern the advent of future millennia. For this reason, under the aegis of this group, Nazi Germany was to direct the entire world
- You should have been a poet, Luiz. - Unfortunately, not every poet is born into a world which values poetry, my friend. - Then such a world is not deserving of poets.
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