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The economy of the pre-modern society, in which production and consumption were materialized at the house level, was the livelihood economy. In the modern society, production, variation, circulation, sharing and consumption relations actualize in the market by going out of the house.
Although they are related, the methodological approaches in social sciences should not be confused with theoretical approaches. Every theoretical approach is related to a methodological approach.
Socialization is the interaction process in which the individuals learn the language, values, norms, attitudes, knowledge and skills, in short, the culture of the society they live in. (...) There are two functions of the socialization process. The first is to develop the self; the second is the transmission of culture to new generations. Societies reproduce themselves by transmitting their values, social actions, the cultural heritage from generation to generation (Coser et al., 1983:106). Through the process of socialization, societies make every generation learn the values and norms and fulfill the expectations of that society. (...) Internal social control is the social control that we impose on ourselves. (...) Socialization must not be confused with socializing. Socializing is interacting with other people, the members of the family or workplace, or friends. Socialization is the process in which the individual learns how to be a member of the society he/she lives in, the process that prepares them to function in social life.
EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN SOCIOLOGY Saint-Simon (1760-1825): It is emphasized that the most significant contribution of Saint-Simon to the development of sociology is the term industrial society, which successfully influenced both the radicals like Marx and conservative theoreticians like Comte at same time by reflecting both socialist and
Social classes are not supported by legal inequalities. Everybody has equal rights before the law. Upper classes do not have legal authority on the lower classes.
Norms are the rules resultant of values; they are binding expectations of behaviors. In other words, norms are the visible and invisible rules of conduct. They define how to behave in accordance with what a society has defined as good, right, and important. (...) Folkways indicate the appropriate behavior in the daily life practices of a given culture. They are relatively weak norms and their sanctions are not very heavy. (...) On the other hand, mores are strong and important norms of the society. The members of the society believe that mores should be obeyed in order to maintain the society. As a consequence, their sanctions are quite heavy. The strongest mores are often legally protected with laws. (...) While folkways do not include moral principles, mores embody the moral principles of the society of the group.
Inequality systems which are seen in pre-industrial societies are classified in three types as slavery, caste and property ownership. Slavery is an inequality system, which is commonly seen in agricultural societies even though it is occasionally seen in hunter and picker societies. The caste system of India is nearly 2000 years old, and there
Marx explains the economic structure by its relations with the political, ideological, and cultural structures, which are elements of the social structure other than market relations which are abstracted from social relations, having a different and autonomous organisation. Marx argues that the mode of production of a society should be looked in order to understand the society. A mode of production is made up of two elements: productive forces and relations of production. Productive forces include physical tools like technology, which are needed to organise economic activities in the production process. Political, legal, ideological, religious, and cultural structures constitute the superstructure of the society.
Quantitative design depends on the Positivist approach, which advocates that the method of physical sciences should be used in social research. The aim of quantitative researches is to explore the social laws through revealing the casualty relations between social facts. Quantitative researches, with the principle of deduction, begin with theories
There are three main methodological approaches in social sciences. These are the Positivist, the Interpretive and the Critical approaches. In addition to these, there are Feminist and Postmodern approaches. However, the three main approaches are the most commonly used approaches. (...) Although there are fundamental differences among them, all of
A theory is a system of a logically interrelated set of concepts and propositions which aims to explain the empirical reality and the casualty among observable facts.
Types of society In the most general level, societies before the 18th century are called “traditional societies”. In the Western world, the majority of the traditional societies transformed through Enlightenment, Scientific and Political Revolutions and the Industrial Revolution, and a new society emerged. This new type of society is called
Sanctions are the anticipated consequence of violating the rules and the norms. They are used to make members of the society follow the norms. Thus, sanctions are mechanisms of social control. (...) Sanctions may be positive or negative.
Social stratification means people’s difference and hierarchical positioning based on some inequalities like income, prosperity, power, prestige, status, age, gender, race, ethnicity etc. According to another definition, social stratum is “a human group who share similar advantages and disadvantages’’. Social stratification always requires that: Families hand over their inequal social status to their children in most societies. Social inequalities persist because families hand down their social and economic prosperity to their children by heritage and similar ways.
Social structure is the perpetual, continuous and organized relations among the groups and social institutions that consist the society.
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