I was responsible for starting a fire.
That I should have started a fire. I had never even dreamed that such a dreadful thing would happen to me. I at once endangered the lives of everyone around me and risked suffering the very serious punishment provided by law.
Kitabı iş bankasının çevirisiyle beraber okudum. Amacım ingilizcemi ilerletmekti. Benim için güzel bir uğraş oldu. Oldukça faydalandım. Böyle bir amacı olanlara tavsiye ederim. Umarım bir gün rusçasından okumakta nasip olur bizlere...İyi okumalar....
If the tailor goes to war against the baker, he must henceforth bake his own bread.").......
This brings us to another Enlightenment ideal, peace. War was so common in history that it was natural to see it as a permanent part of the human condition and to think peace could come only in a messianic age. But now war was no longer thought of as a divine punishment to be endured and deplored, or a glorious contest to be won and celebrated, but a practical problem to be mitigated and someday solved. In "Perpet- ual Peace," Kant laid out measures that would discourage leaders from dragging their countries into war.
Only men would call this utopic because it’s patriarchal, misogynistic as hell (since ‘women are the common property of the community’) and the punishment for homosexuality is execution. The community/world-building for the City of the Sun made no sense by the way. It’s irrational and inconsistent, men are so stupid regardless of the era.
Güneş ÜlkesiTommaso Campanella · Alfa Yayıncılık · 20223,874 okunma
"Leave them alone. Leave them, let their own sing allocate their punishments."
"Bırak böyle kalsınlar. Bırak işledikleri günah, versin onların cezalarını."