En çok beğendiğim 200 film :)
1. To kill a mockingbird 2. The vow 3. Little children 4. Reservoir dogs 5. Leon: The professional 6. Witness for the prosecution 7. Rear window 8. The usual suspects
“You gonna ask him to dance, then?” Alex rolls his eyes, suddenly imagining twirling around a ballroom while Henry drones sweet nothings about croquet and fox hunting in his ear. The thought makes him want to gag. “In his dreams.” “Aw,” Nora says, “you’re blushing.”
Sayfa 12 - imblushingtooaaaaa
Henry’s ridiculous suit all askew and covered in smashed buttercream flowers, his wrist pinned in Alex’s hand, a thin slice of red across Henry’s cheek.
Sayfa 21 - his wirst o~O
“You,” she says, “are going to make nice with Henry. You’re leaving Saturday and spending Sunday in England.” Alex blinks. “Is it too late to take the faking-my-death option?”
Sayfa 22 - yEs
“Look,” Zahra says, taking a drag from her massive stainless steel thermos of coffee. “Both sides need to come out of this looking good, and the only way to do that is to make it look like your little slap-fight at the wedding was some homoerotic frat bro mishap, okay? So, you can hate the heir to the throne all you want, write mean poems about him in your diary, but the minute you see a camera, you act like the sun shines out of his dick, and you make it convincing.” “Have you met Henry?” Alex says. “How am I supposed to do that? He has the personality of a cabbage.”
Sayfa 23 - djffjgh
“Best friend’s name, age, and occupation?” Nora asks. “Best friend other than you, of course.” Alex casually gives her the finger.
Sayfa 28 - eujdjdjhfj
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