Alex steps out next, swaggering up beside Henry and throwing an arm over his shoulders. “Act like you like me!” Alex says cheerfully. Henry looks at him like he’s trying to choose between a million choice words, before tipping his head to the side and offering up a well-rehearsed laugh, putting his arm around Alex too. “There we go.”
Sayfa 37 - bakın burada henry'nin ne demesi gerekiyordu? "i dont have to be act like this. i ALREADY feel LIKE this." of ya
“Listen,” Alex tells her, “I’m trying to keep up a geopolitical public relations ruse here.” “Dude, people are writing fan fiction about y’all—” “Yeah, Nora sent me that.” “—I think you can give it a rest. ” “The crown wants me to be there!” he lies quickly. She seems unconvinced and leaves him with a parting look he’d probably be concerned about if he cared more about things that aren’t Henry’s mouth right now.
Sayfa 120 - uh-huh
“Okay,” Alex says. “Okay,” Henry agrees. “Okay,” Alex says again. He’s suddenly very aware they’ve never spoken on the phone before, and so he’s never had to figure out how to hang up the phone with Henry before. He’s at a loss. But he’s still smiling. Cornbread is staring at him like he doesn’t get it. Me fuckin’ too, buddy. “Okay,” Henry repeats. “So. Good night.” “Cool,” Alex says lamely. “Good night.” He hangs up and stares at the phone in his hand, as if it should explain the static electricity in the air around him.
Sayfa 68 - sometimes i cry :'''''''''')
“So, uh,” he tries. “Star Wars?” He means it in a nonthreatening, offhanded way, but habit wins and it comes out accusatory. “Yes, Alex,” Henry says archly, “believe it or not, the children of the crown don’t only spend their childhood going to tea parties.” “I assumed it was mostly posture coaching and junior polo league.” Henry takes a deeply unhappy pause. “That... may have been part of it.” “So you’re into pop culture, but you act like you’re not,” Alex says. “Either you’re not allowed to talk about it because it’s unseemly for the crown, or you choose not to talk about it because you want people to think you’re cultured. Which one?” “Are you psychoanalyzing me?” Henry asks. “I don’t think royal guests are allowed to do that.”
Sayfa 42 - fav scene hem tatlı hem güzel hem :'''''')
“You look good out here.” Henry’s grin goes crooked and a little shy, dipping down to brush against Alex’s jaw. “Yeah?” “Yeah,” Alex says. He twists Henry’s wet hair around his fingers. “I’m glad you came this weekend,” Alex hears himself say. “It’s been so intense lately. I... I really needed this.”
Sayfa 205
“So, as I’ve warned you,” Henry says as they approach the doors to the Royal Box, “Philip will be here. And assorted other nobility with whom you may have to make conversation. People named Basil.’” “I think I’ve proven that I can handle royals.”
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