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Hello everyone, Lighthouse Bay, written by Kimbeley Freeman, is the first book I read. Even though it was a little slow for me at first, I finished it quickly. The book tells the events of two different female characters in the same place today and in the past. It seemed to me that it was a book that was beautifully written, fluent, and the connections between the events were well-placed, but it ended abruptly at the end, as if it would have been better if something about the characters had been written on a few more pages. But it was still a good book. I recommend a book that you can read when you are bored and want to find yourself in another world. I am thinking of buying and reading the author's other books.
Deniz Feneri Koyu
Deniz Feneri KoyuKimberley Freeman · Arkadya Yayınları · 20151,624 okunma
“Böyle bir keder insanı sadece yaralayıp, sonra da yavaş yavaş unutulup gitmez, “ dedi Bay Harrow nihayet.”Harap eder.Eskiye dönmenin tek yoluysa taşları tek tek yerine koyarak yeniden inşa etmektir.Bazen insanın bunu yapacak takati ya da isteği yoktur ve kalıntıların ortasında öylece oturup bir şeylerin değişmesini bekler. Oysa tekrar ayağa kalkıp taşları toplamaya başlamadığımız sürece hiçbir şey değişmez.”
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