‘Hi!’ Tem says, bounding forward. Rhys grins. ‘Hi,’ he says out loud. To me, he adds, Panda number two? I laugh. ‘I’m Panda number two. Tem is number one.’ He shakes his head. Not to me. It’s cheesy. It’s silly. But I beam as if my whole body has been filled with happy juice.
Sayfa 108Kitabı okudu
" 'albern' is a german word, an adjective. It means beeing silly, chaotic & weird but in a sweet way …"
I sat with it for a while because it was one of those moments you know you’re going to cherish the rest of your life. And there aren’t enough of those. You go through life, turning pages and turning pages, black and white words, running into each other, and then bam! Three rainbow sentences and a paper animal, and you’re rummaging through your clothes and washing your hair and changing your outfit again and again, because you’ve gone giddy and silly and sappy. Because that’s what those moments do.
Sayfa 202Kitabı okudu
the silly people don't know their own silly business.
*Skye* EIGHT
It’s a silly thing we do—shutting our eyes to stop ourselves from hearing something. And it made it worse.
ağlicam dflkgk neden bu kadar iyi gidiyor bu kitap??1?!?*!?1
Chapter Eighty-Two
“Do you consider me your girlfriend?” I ask as he sits down. “Yeah. I mean, it just seems a little silly to call you that,” he says. “Silly?” I pick at my fingernails, a bad habit I have yet to kick. “You are more to me than some adolescent title.”
Gallery Books - kindle
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