Bu nasıl rahatlık abi, çıldırıyorum şuan. This is Bekir Develi sincerity
En büyük insandır kalabalıklar, yüreği güzel olanların. Herkes ayaktayken, herkes ortalıkta dolanırken sevemem ki ben di mi ama... Biri orada metrobüse biniyor, öteki tavuk döneri sokmuş ağzına yarıya kadar, eee ? Ben sana mecburum bilemezsin... La yürü gittt.... Uyut herkesi, öyle sev. Biz sana sevme demiyoruz ki. Ama her şeyin de bir yakışanı var yani.
He has sincerely wanted to die, but he has never sincerely wanted Marianne to forget about him. That’s the only part of himself he wants to protect, the part that exists inside her.
It is said the truest criterion for judging the nature, integrity, truth, and sincerity of a reformer of any sort, is the differences in his personal, social, and spiritual life from the day he first annouced his cause and the day he won victory. StaffMoses - 250
“Marry me,” Famine says, ignoring them as he stares up at me. My breath catches for an instant. “No.” He looks greatly annoyed. I’m beyond gleeful. “This isn’t over,” he vows. I sincerely hope not.
A good definition of unsincerity:
But I can't help detesting my relations. I suppose it comes from the fact that none of us can stand other people having the same faults as ourselves. (İlişkilerimden tiksinmekten kendimi alamıyorum. Sanırım bu, kendimizle aynı hatalara sahip olanlara karşı tahammülsüzlüğümüzden kaynaklanıyor.)
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