72 syf.
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I hope this reaches you in time
you are more than just a body count you are more than just a conquest you are more than just a name on the list of hearts #148376689 I hope this reaches her in time is a nice poetry book written by R.H. Sin. It consists of short but impressive poems and these poems tell the story of a woman's heartbreak.. However,
I Hope This Reaches Her in Time
I Hope This Reaches Her in TimeR. H. Sin · CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform · 201710 okunma
72 syf.
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Biographical criticism originated in the nineteenth century. Sanit-Beuve is forerunner of this criticism. It's a sense of criticism that centers on the artist. In this approach, it is thought that the work of art will be clarified to the extent that the person who created it can be understood. For this reason, It turns to the life and
KaradutBedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu · İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2002156 okunma
384 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
İt was one of the most impressive novels that I’ve ever read. I liked the characters and their sincerity. My favourites were Lauire and Jo. But I have to say that, I didn’t expect end like this for Jo and Lauire. Anyway the writing style tempt people to read continuously, that’s why I finished it as fast as I could. In conclusion, I recommend to anyone who loves classic genres and novels such as “ Pride and prejudice” or “Jane Eyre” to read it without hesitation. By the why i got the inspiration to read from “ Friends” :)
Balaca Qadınlar
Balaca QadınlarLouisa May Alcott · 013.7k okunma
99 syf.
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Düşüş,Albert Camus'un bir romandan ziyade monolog niteliği taşıyan eseridir.Bu monologda avukat olan anlatıcımız(kahramanımız)tarafından Camus'un modern insanı ve modern insanın düşünce yapısı ve bir takım beşeri özellikleri sert ve yarı üstü kapalı biçimde eleştirdiğine tanık oluruz.Eleştirel yanı bir yana monolog diğer neredeyse tüm romanlarında da karşılaştığımız varoluşçuluğun izlerini de taşır.Aynı zamanda Camus anlatıcısına da yüklemiş olduğu tezat durumlar ve söylemler ile aktarımına farklı bir yorumlama getirir.Özellikle monolog da kullanmış olduğu çarpıcı cümleler ile de yapıtı fazlasıyla keskinleştirmiştir. "Men are never convinced of your reasons, of your sincerity, of the seriousness of your sufferings, except by your death. So long as you are alive, your case is doubtful; you have a right only to their skepticism."
DüşüşAlbert Camus · Can Yayınları · 201915.4k okunma