‘But you’re the High King of the Union!’ Orso’s father gave a sad smile. ‘One day, my son, you’ll understand. The more powerful you are, the less you can really do about anything.’
“It will be fine, Olive.” His smile softened. “And if not, at least it will be over.”
The Shadow of your smile... BİR ŞARKI*
Sayfa 49 - MetisKitabı okudu
“You in your little overall shorts. You look like you’ve been outside for days. All dirty and wild. Your smile hasn’t changed.” “You never see my smile.” “I bet you had a tree house.” “I did, actually. I practically lived up there.”
His gaze flicked to me, and then a slow smile pulled on the corner of his mouth. It was the kind of smile seen on the bad guy’s lips after stealing the girl. Warmth rushed beneath my skin; a prickling, breathless heat traveling all the way to my toes.
And you're never ever ugly with a smile that bright
My heart is not in my body; it’s lying under the castle you burned down. Yet I am still here, an empty shell with bloodshot eyes and a fake smile.
Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you, You make me happy. I am glad to see you.”
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